The mediating role of organizational identity in the relationship between transformational leadership and job attitudes(Organizational commitment and Organizational citizenship behavior)
Subject Areas : Journal of Educational Psychology
maryam safari
soghra Nurulahi
1 -
2 - ) M.A, Department of Educational Scinecs, Azadshahr Branch , Islamic Azad University, Azadshahr, Iran
Keywords: : Transformational Leadership, Job Attitudes, Organizational Identity, Organizational commitment , Organizational citizenship behavior,
Abstract :
The present study explores, the mediating role of organizational identity in the relationship between transformational leadership and job attitudes (Case study: second-level female teachers in Gonbad Kavoos). The population of the study was all the second-level female teachers of Gonbad Kavoos that the population size is 372 people. According to Kerjesi and Morgan's table, size of the sample is 189 people and simple classified random sampling was chosen for sampling from the population. This study was a practical study in terms of the goal and a descriptive-survey study in terms of the method and is a correlational study in terms of the type. To analyze the data at descriptive statistics level, indices such as frequency and percent and tables and charts were used and at the inferential statistics level, structural equations method with LISREL software were used. The results of the research are as follows: 1- there is a significant relationship between transformational leadership and organizational identity of second-level female teachers of Gonbad Kavoos; 2- there is a significant relationship between organizational identity and organizational commitment of second-level female teachers of Gonbad Kavoos; 3- there is a significant relationship between organizational identity and citizenship behavior of second-level female teachers of Gonbad Kavoos; 4- there is a significant relationship between transformational leadership and organizational commitment of second-level female teachers of Gonbad Kavoos; 5- there is a significant relationship between transformational leadership and citizenship behavior of second-level female teachers of Gonbad Kavoos
Keywords: Transformational Leadership, Job Attitudes, Organizational Identity
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