Comprative Survey of Iran and Turky Foring Policy about Syria Crisis from 2010 to 2015
Subject Areas :Abu Mohammad Askarkhani 1 , Taghi Abdolsalam 2 *
1 - Associate Prof. of International Relations at University of Tehran
2 - Ph.D. Stutent of International Relations at University of Tehran
Keywords: Iran, Foreign policy, Turkey, Security, Syria, Benefits, Advocacy,
Abstract :
Syria has been played the role of Iran's entrance to the Arab world and also Iran's strategic connection to the Mediterranean region and the Near East for many years. Therefore, weakening of Syria and overthrowing of Assad regime will lead weakening of resistance axis and also Iran's regional influence. Since beginning of crisis in Syria, Islamic Republic of Iran has supported political system of Syria as main priorities of its foreign policy. Turkey is one of the main regional actors that despite the initial cautious approach in short term in the Syrian crisis, has supported opposition groups through transferring of arms and financial assistance to opponents of Assad follows the policy of regime change. Policies of Turkey towards Syria showed that its policy of zero problems with neighbors has not reached its goals. In other words, Turkey is pursuing its interests and deepening of its strategic influence in post Assad era. Therefore, major difference between the two countries in foreign policy towards Syria is rooted in the difference in attitudes towards future of the region.
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