Critical Realism, Dual Exit from Positivism and Hermeneutic
Subject Areas : International Relations
Akbar Ashrafi
ALi Fallahi Sayfoddin
1 - Assistant Professor of Political Science Faculty of Islamic Azad University Central Tehran Branch
2 - Master's student in political science, Faculty of Political Science, Islamic Azad University Central Tehran Branch
Keywords: interaction, structure, Agency, Key words: Critical realism, Depth ontology, Transformational model of social action,
Abstract :
Abstract In contrast to natural science that have contain few methodological controversies, human science is dominated by unrewarding disputes among various and contrasting views; Affording rival answers by positivism and hermeneutics (as two main traditions in philosophy of social science) to the question that “to what extent can society be studied in the same way as nature?”, form the main dimension of these disputes. Positivists believe sciences are unified in their concordance with positivist principles, while hermeneutics has posited a cleavage in method between the natural and social sciences. Number of new traditions such as Critical Realism argues for Synthesis that overcomes this controversy. This paper attempts to explain critical realism as much as possible. So the main question to be dealt with in the present research is: could critical realism give a synthesis that brings together main aspects of positivism and hermeneutics? Here in order to give appropriate answer to this question we start this research by looking briefly at positivism and hermeneutics and then move on to outline accounts of critical realism especially its bonds with natural and social science. Key words: Critical realism, Structure, Agency, Depth ontology, Interaction, Transformational model of social action
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