Process of Publication of articles:
From the time articles are received until they are published they pass through four stages:
a) Preliminary acceptance stage. In this stage those articles that have followed "editing guide for articles" and have been dispatched to office of quarterly are accepted and will be sent to referees for evaluation. The selection of referees is decided by office of the Quarterly.
b) Articles received will be sent to referees (peer review) who are specialized in the subject of the article and after evaluation they will be divided into three groups:
1. Articles that will be published without amendment.
2. Articles that need amendments from the view point of the referees and can be published after certain corrections.
3. Articles that cannot be published and those will be duly informed.
Therefore, the articles which fall in the first category will be placed for publication on their turn. Articles of the second category will be sent to authors for correction and articles which cannot be published are put away from the process of publication and the authors are duly informed.
c) The correction stage: this stag the authors of the articles after receiving the suggestion by the referees should accordingly rectify the articles and send them back to the office of the Quarterly not later than ten days. They may even give their reasons for not needing correction and finally sent it to office of the quarterly either by post or in the shape of a CD or email the file of the article.
d) Final acceptance stage.
After the author or authors of the article correct their article or give reasons or justification for not needing amendment the articles will be placed in the process of publication and the authors receive a letter indicating that their article is finally accepted and after the publication of articles three copies of the magazine will be sent for them.