The connection and interaction of the prohibition of resorting to force with other fundamental principles of international law
Subject Areas : Political Sciences- International Relationsabbads fooladi 1 * , maryam moradi 2 , mohsen dianat 3
1 - Doctoral student of International Law, Department of Public International Law, Qeshm Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qeshm, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law, Islamic Azad University, Qeshm International Branch
3 - Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: communication, interaction, prohibition, recourse to force, fundamental principles, international law,
Abstract :
The principle of the prohibition of resorting to force in international relations has been effective in determining the level of international judicial efficiency in resolving disputes and establishing the position of the law,because principle of non-recourse to force is one the absolute principles of the Charter and is completely rejected except in exceptional cases and is considered one of the mandatory rules.This article written in a library method with the aim of communicating and interacting the prohibition of resorting to force with other fundamental principles of international law.findings indicate that;Therefore,resorting to force,which includes the threat of force or the use of force without the official authorization of the Security Council,is considered a clear violation the UN Charter. Article 51 of the United Nations Charter,which allows resorting to coercive forces and unilateral coercive action in the exercise of the self-defense,either individually or collectively,against armed attack.Therefore, the principle of resorting to force in international relations in case violation of sovereignty or human rights by a member of the United Nations should be used with special sensitivity by the United Nations so that it is not considered a violation of sovereignty and the unilateral resort to the use of power by stronger countries.
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