The Reasons behind Iraq opposing against Syria Arabic Isolation
Subject Areas :Mohammadreza dehshiri 1 , ali shamsabadi 2 *
1 - SIR
2 - Ph.D. Candidate , Tehran University
Keywords: "Iraq", "Syria", "Arab League", "Institutionalism, " "Neo-liberal institutionalism, " "inter-dependency",
Abstract :
By starting the Syrian crisis at the end of 2010, many Arab states such as Saudi Arabia and Qatar, instructed to politically isolate Syrian government. To do so, as the first step, they tried to eliminate Syrian government diplomatic presence in Arab entities which the most important is “Arab League”. Iraq in contrast has always by unilateral and Multi-lateral means tried to avoid this plan to go on. In this research we are trying to answer the main question: “Why after 2011, Iraq on a same diplomatic path, has tried to return Syria into Arab League?”. In order to figure out the best explanation for this Iraqi approach, based on descriptive-explanative research method, first we monitored news and statements trend during the last decade to describe the Iraqi policy in this regard; and second, based on library, media and think-tank sources, we explanting the causes behind taking that policy into action. Based on our findings, all Iraqi cabinets from 2010-2020, have sought to bring back Syria into Arab league for improving Iraq regional weight, improving relations with Syria, avoiding new asylum seeker crisis and counter extremist groups.
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