The roots of the Iraq geopolitical crisis and the persistence of anti-geopolitical resistance
Subject Areas : Political Sciences- International Relationszohre heidari beni 1 , ezatollah ezati 2 * , mohammadreza hafeznia 3 , haydar lotfi 4
1 - Professor of Payame Noor University of Shahrekord
2 - Associate Professor, Research Institute of Science
3 - Professor of Political Geography at Tarbiat Modares University
4 - Political Science Geography at the University of Garmsar
Keywords: Keywords: Iraq, Kurdistan territory, humanitarian interventions, geopolitical crisis, anti-geopolitics,
Abstract :
After founding of a new Iraq in the post-World War I age, geopolitical crises have been the main indicator of political dynamics in the country, which has been featured in the Kurdish anti-geopolitical process over the past decades. In this regard, the aim of this research is answering this fundamental question that, what are the roots of geopolitical crises in Iraq and in particular, anti-geopolitical Kurds, and what factors have contributed to the continuation of this crisis? The findings of this study show that the geopolitics imposed by the great winners of the World War I, especially Britain, in shaping the post-World War I regional order, led to the formation and continuation of the geopolitical crisis in Iraq, and in particular the Kurdish anti-geopolitical resistance. On the other hand, the humanitarian intervention of the Security Council, and in particular the issuance of Security Council resolution 688, and ultimately the US invasion of Iraq in 2003, have led to the opening of the geopolitical blockade and the strengthening of the anti-geopolitical Kurdish resistance in Iraq. The research method is descriptive-analytic and the method of data collection is library and internet resources.
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