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      • Open Access Article

        1 - Subject Sensitive Invariantism and Epistemic Contextualism
        احمدرضا همتی مقدم
        Epistemic contextualism is a view in epistemology that the semanticcontents of knowledge-attributing sentences vary relative to thecontexts of knowledge attributers. Traditionally, epistemologists regardthe semantic content of knowledge sentences as invariable acrosscon More
        Epistemic contextualism is a view in epistemology that the semanticcontents of knowledge-attributing sentences vary relative to thecontexts of knowledge attributers. Traditionally, epistemologists regardthe semantic content of knowledge sentences as invariable acrosscontexts. This traditional prevailing view is famous to “invariantism.”According to Subjective sensitive invariantism (SSI), the truthconditions of knowledge attributers are constant in different contexts,but truth values of them vary relative to the contexts of knowledgeattributers. Recently, Stephen Shaffer, a proponent of epistemiccontextualism, has criticized SSI. In this article, after defending of SSIin contrast of Shaffer’s arguments, I argue his arguments are unsound. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Plotinusian Elements in Gazi-Saeed’s Negative Theology
        ژیلا رستمی
        The greatest problem and most semantic vagueness on talking of Godrefer to semantic analysis of human traits and their attribution to god.When these attributes apply in usual linguistic use and normalcircumstances they have clear and intelligible sense; though suchattri More
        The greatest problem and most semantic vagueness on talking of Godrefer to semantic analysis of human traits and their attribution to god.When these attributes apply in usual linguistic use and normalcircumstances they have clear and intelligible sense; though suchattributes and predicates use for a transcendent, non corporeal, andinfinite being is problematic. A few theories exposed to solve (orovercome) this puzzle. Here, I only illustrate Plotinus and Gazi-Saeed’stheory and demonstrate how Gazi-Saeed’s theology is influenced byPlotinusian one. Both believed that, considering ordinary language use,we can only talk about god in negative way. It seems, however,insisting on speaking of god negatively without using other methods,restrains us from talking about god genuinely. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Railton, Explanation, and Metaphysical Debates
        سید محمد حسینی مجید اکبری
        Metaphysical debate between realists and anti-realists is here at issue.P. Railton claimed that these debates reduced to explanation. All topicssuch as IBE, unification of scientific theories, science progress, conceptof observation, experimentation and primacy reductio More
        Metaphysical debate between realists and anti-realists is here at issue.P. Railton claimed that these debates reduced to explanation. All topicssuch as IBE, unification of scientific theories, science progress, conceptof observation, experimentation and primacy reductionism deal withand depend on explanation.Railton suggests that metaphysical debates on the alleged topicsreduced to explanation because it depends on our account (andunderstanding) of the world and its necessary persistent of phenomena.Since, our perception of facts of worlds come to date which are notneutral and value free, the conflict couldn’t remove. In Railton’s view,very conflict and challenge go head to controversies without anyplausible outcome. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Theory of Evolution and Historical Explanation in Biology
        کیوان الستی
        Many biologists believe that evolution is grant theory in modernbiology. Believing on the centrality of evolutionary theory to the rest ofbiology is a special case of a more general idea: nothing in biology canbe understood completely without attending to its history. A More
        Many biologists believe that evolution is grant theory in modernbiology. Believing on the centrality of evolutionary theory to the rest ofbiology is a special case of a more general idea: nothing in biology canbe understood completely without attending to its history. According tothis idea, we should regard biology as a historical science rather than anomothetic one. But it may be supposed that as physics have beenchanged from a historical to nomothetic science, biology should also bechanged to a more “accurate” science; that is, a nomothetic science. Inthis essay, I try to reject this idea by presenting some historicalevidences to show that it is not because of evolutionary theory thatbiology is historical. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Wittgenstein and Gadamer on Private Language
        قاسم فضلی
        In early Wittgenstein view, philosophic, aesthetic, ethical, religious,logical statements are nonsense because language is propositional andits statements are pictorial. Meaningful statements (language) is, only,factual statement (speech based on facts), in late Wittgen More
        In early Wittgenstein view, philosophic, aesthetic, ethical, religious,logical statements are nonsense because language is propositional andits statements are pictorial. Meaningful statements (language) is, only,factual statement (speech based on facts), in late Wittgenstein, incontrast factual statements (speech based on facts) are only a kind ofmeaningful statements (a dialect). Language is, essentially, a social anduniversal phenomenon not private one. Gadamer, also, argues that was(or is) never private. It doesn’t belong to individuals, but vice versa, theindividuals belong to it. Here it is intended to demonstrate similaritybetween two philosophers in detial. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Reduction, Function, and Double Operationalism in Philosophy of Biology
        مجید داودی
        The reduction of properties, method, and other concepts of biology tochemistry and/or physics appears in early literature of philosophy ofscience and to now is one of most debates in it. First, here, thereductionist approaches are, briefly, introduced; then it is illust More
        The reduction of properties, method, and other concepts of biology tochemistry and/or physics appears in early literature of philosophy ofscience and to now is one of most debates in it. First, here, thereductionist approaches are, briefly, introduced; then it is illustratedthat which one is more applicable in biology; and is relevant to whichtopics. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - Modeling in Science: a Case Study in Physics
        رضا اخلاقی
        Model concept is one of the fundamental concepts in philosophy ofscience and epistemology. The physicists do not solve a real problem,but instead they create a model to solve the problem with it. The wordmodeling is so comprehensive and to teach modeling is an example o More
        Model concept is one of the fundamental concepts in philosophy ofscience and epistemology. The physicists do not solve a real problem,but instead they create a model to solve the problem with it. The wordmodeling is so comprehensive and to teach modeling is an example of awhole educational plan. Nevertheless, the students in traditional classesof physics course do not have a clear understanding of the wordmodeling, consequently, do not notice the role of this concept inphysics. The fundamental principles of Newtonian mechanics can beconsidered as a system of regulations which defines the mixture ofmodeling games. The common goal of these games is to developmodels of physical phenomena. This is a preliminary point for a newapproach to physic education in which the students are taught from thebeginning that the name of game is modeling in science. The main ideaof systematic education is of explicit principles of modeling and themethods to make student familiar with a fundamental set of physicalmodels, and exercise of modeling, authentication of model withexperiment, and preparing model for justification of prediction anddescription of physical phenomena. This paper defines the physical,epistemological, historical and educational basis rationale of thisapproach. Manuscript profile