Relationship between Granting of Prayer and Miracle and Causality System from the Viewpoint of Interpreters of Transcendent Theosophy
Subject Areas : Philosophy
Keywords: Keywords: Prayer, Granting, system of cause and effect, unknown cause, miracle,
Abstract :
Abstract In these theological or philosophical and hadith books have discussed question of prayer and its granting. In many hadiths have insisted that prayer is part of God’s decrees. As the God in the Holy Qur’an invites man to pray, the answer to prayer is guaranteed. In this article with considering the approach of Transcendent Theosophy exponents, we believe that prayer is one of the major factors to achieve desired and granting of prayer is done according to the creation system and fixed lows, and there is no contrast and conflict between granting of prayer and low of causality, ever, as miracles and supernatural affairs are done, granting of prayer, also, is justified. also ,the impact of ego in granting of prayer is considered, as ego has effect in body and ego state have manifested in body, then, also it effect in supernatural affairs. The results of this study illustrate that, although there are some obscure and unknown causes in achieve to desired and granting of prayer but prayer and granting of prayer not out from cause and effect system and granting of prayer not eradicate low of causality.
قرآن کریم.
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