The Significance of Ethics in Descartes' Philosophy
Subject Areas :
Received: 2013-08-31
Accepted : 2014-01-05
Published : 2014-02-20
Altruistic love,
Therapeutic philosophy,
Abstract :
In this article Descartes philosophy is considered from on ethical point of view. At first the importance of morality in the big picture of his philosophy is demonstrated. Descartes is introduced as a sage whose philosophy is first of all an ethical and therapeutic one. We have considered Descartes similarities with Stoics and explored the most practical aspects of his philosophy illustrated in his letters especially. After that, two important passions in Descartes' ethics are clarified, i.e., generosity and love. At the end we have emphasized that – against some current conceptions about Descartes philosophy – his deepest and most ultimate concerns were about some ancient ideas such as good life, ethics, and wisdom.
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