The Philosophical Definition of Power in Nā’īnī School
Subject Areas : Philosophy
Keywords: definition of power, will, agent-by-intention, analytical authority, colloquial authority,
Abstract :
Explaining the perfection of authority and how human beings may act is an ontological and anthropological approach of the transcendent theosophy. For this school, the human being is not independent from the supernatural agents, in terms of either the essence and essential perfections or the process in which his/her act is formed. Any act which is carried out by a human being inevitably enters into a necessary cause-and-effect course which ends up in the final cause. People’s external acts are caused by their wills; while in turn their wills are caused by causes and agents that are considered as incentives, which are out of the human’s essence. Meanwhile, philosophers believe that the human being is free to do what he/she intends, because the definition of power is true of him/her. Naini and his followers have challenged such explanations of the transcendent theosophy and have tried to demonstrate that just assuming the definition of power to be true of human being cannot explain his/her actual free choice. This study aims at reviewing and finally judging the challenges that both of the mentioned groups may encounter.
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