Tepe Gavor Qaleh Si a Settlement of Kura-Aras Culture in Chaldoran, Northwest Iran
Subject Areas : Prehistoric ArchaeologyAfrasiab Gravand 1 , Akbar Abedi 2 * , Gader Ebrahimi 3 , Fatemeh Malekpour 4
1 - Ph.D. Candidate in Archaeology, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Ardabil, Iran.
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Archaeology and Archaeometry, Tabriz Islamic Art University, Tabriz, Iran.
3 - Ph.D. in Archaeology; University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Ardabil, Iran.
4 - Master of Archaeology; Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism of West Azerbaijan, Urmia, Iran.
Keywords: Chaldoran, Northwest Iran, pottery, Gavour Qalehosi, the Early Bronze Age, Kora-Aras,
Abstract :
Towards the end of the fourth millennium BC, a culture was formed in the Caucasus, northwest Iran and eastern Anatolia, which extended to Central Zagros, central Iran, and northern Iran, and present-day Palestine. Or the culture of Kora-Aras is famous. In this period, northwestern Iran is witnessing an increase in the size of the sites, a sudden change in pottery, and also an unprecedented increase in the number of settlements, which indicates the influence of a new cultural tradition. The tradition of painted chickpea pottery of the previous period (Chalcolithic) is almost obsolete and black-gray pottery is replaced by engraved pottery. Simultaneously with the influence of Kora-Aras culture to the northwest of Iran, the Chaldoran region is also affected by the influence of Kora-Aras culture. Tepe Gavar Qalehsi is a settlement in the middle mountain plain of Chaldoran, which has evidence of Kora-Aras culture. This place, which is located 23 km northwest of Chaldoran city, was identified and examined to visit the city's monuments. The results of archaeological research indicate that this place is a single settlement that was formed in the late fourth millennium and early third millennium BC and has traces and evidence (stone architecture and gray pottery) of this cultural period. The pottery of this area has the most similarities with the pottery of Yaniq Tappeh, Kohnshahr Chaldoran, Baruj Marand, Dozdaghi Khoy, and Kol Tappeh II of the Republic of Azerbaijan. In this study, the collected pottery in the archeological study of Gavar Qaleh Si is studied and archaeological analysis.
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