• akbary gandomani.mehrdad .Survey of Pedagogical theories for Children in One Story of Bustan Based on Russell’s views [ Vol.8, Issue 32 - Winter Year 1395]
  • akhlagh.mana The effect of phonemes in conveying concepts with emphasis on didactic literature [ Vol.8, Issue 29 - Spring Year 1395]
  • Almasi.Ata .Representation ofchildish didactic teachingsin La Fonte’s Myths [ Vol.8, Issue 31 - Autumn Year 1395]
  • amirpour.farzane .The position of news and composition in transmission of educational ideas in Nizami’s "Khosrow and Shirin" [ Vol.8, Issue 30 - Summer Year 1395]
  • arbabsoleymani.sedhghe Feminine aspect of didactic literature, freeing Parvin from anxiety effect [ Vol.8, Issue 29 - Spring Year 1395]


  • Farhood.Farangis Warning Instruction of Sa’di inBustanthrough Critical Discourse Analysis ofFairclough [ Vol.8, Issue 32 - Winter Year 1395]


  • Kamali Baniani.Mahdi Reza .Survey of Pedagogical theories for Children in One Story of Bustan Based on Russell’s views [ Vol.8, Issue 32 - Winter Year 1395]
  • Kazzazi.Jalaloddin Secularism in the stories of Rumi’sMathnavi [ Vol.8, Issue 31 - Autumn Year 1395]
  • Khajeeim.Ahmad .Intertextuality of Quran and Hadith in Didactic Poems of Hafiz Based on Literary Theories [ Vol.8, Issue 32 - Winter Year 1395]


  • mashhoor.parvin dokht The effectiveness of Khwaju Kermani in Rowżat-al-anwār from Nezami Ganjei’s Makhzan al Asrar [ Vol.8, Issue 29 - Spring Year 1395]
  • masyalizad.tahmineh A Survey of Managerial Ethics in Kelile O Demne [ Vol.8, Issue 32 - Winter Year 1395]
  • modareszadeh.abdolreza Feminine aspect of didactic literature, freeing Parvin from anxiety effect [ Vol.8, Issue 29 - Spring Year 1395]
  • moharami.ramin Comparison of evil in Shahname and Mathnavi [ Vol.8, Issue 31 - Autumn Year 1395]
  • Moslemizadeh.M. Sa'di's Sidestepping from Taking Advice Unlike His Habit [ Vol.8, Issue 30 - Summer Year 1395]


  • nabiloo.alireza The study of didactic poetic technique of naser Khosro’s poems [ Vol.8, Issue 29 - Spring Year 1395]
  • Norouzi Davoodkhani.Thoraleh The study and analysis of Saadi's approach in releasing human being from pain and suffering [ Vol.8, Issue 30 - Summer Year 1395]
  • Novrooz.Mahdi Warning Instruction of Sa’di inBustanthrough Critical Discourse Analysis ofFairclough [ Vol.8, Issue 32 - Winter Year 1395]


  • Ramezani parsa.Davoud Ethics and Its Traditional and Contemporary Constituents in Nima’s Poetry [ Vol.8, Issue 32 - Winter Year 1395]


  • sadeghi.esmaiel Studying the relationship between morality and judgment in classical Persian literature [ Vol.8, Issue 29 - Spring Year 1395]
  • Sadraie.Roghayeh A Study on the comparative inter-texturality didactic doctrines of “orphan tears” (by Parvin Etesian with) " the governor of our city is shameless beggar” (by Anvari) [ Vol.8, Issue 29 - Spring Year 1395]
  • sedighi mournani.samira Evaluation and analysis of preaching in Anvari’spoems [ Vol.8, Issue 31 - Autumn Year 1395]


  • torkashvand.sina Content Analysis of Attar's Manteqot-Teir based on the six educational dimensions [ Vol.8, Issue 31 - Autumn Year 1395]


  • vafaie.abasali The effect of phonemes in conveying concepts with emphasis on didactic literature [ Vol.8, Issue 29 - Spring Year 1395]