The ethical virtues in Akhlagh Mohseni book (based on the division of Khwaja Nasiruddin Toosi in Akhlagh Naseri book)
Subject Areas : شاهنامه
Rahaf Safaya
Omid Majd
1 - Persian Language and Literature department, faculty of Literature and Humanities(FLH), University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.
2 - University of Tehran
Keywords: Khwaja Nasir toosi, Mulla Vaez Kashefi, Akhlagh Mohseni, Akhlagh Naseri, ethical virtues,
Abstract :
Akhlagh Mohseni's book is one of the valuable works of the 9th and 10th centuries of Hijri. Mulla Hossein Vaez Kashefi Sabzevari wrote this book for educational purposes. Kashefi has paid attention to teaching ethical principles and advising rulers and kings based on wisdom.And in the introduction of his book, he declares that his audience is the kings and their attendants. And he mentions forty distinct moral qualities that make the king a king and keeps him as a king. And he mentioned these ethical teachings by relying on the division of the ethical teachings in the Akhlagh Naseri book. Directly or indirectly, through telling stories and allegories, he leads the audience toward ethical virtues. This study aims to discuss and study the moral virtues in Akhlagh Mohseni's book taking into consideration the division of ethical standards in Akhlagh Naseri's book, to determine how close was Kashifi to Khwaja Nasiruddin's classifications in compiling his book.The adopted approach in this article is a descriptive-analytical approach, and it is based on the review of Khwaja Naser's educational thoughts in Akhlagh Naseri's book and their comparison with Akhlagh Mohseni's book. Results show that justice and courage were among the ethical virtues mentioned in the book and had a special place as they play a decisive role in the individual and social life of man. Some virtues, such as worship, have an individual aspect, and some, like justice, have a social aspect. By observing these standards, society sees prosperity.
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