• Kahsari.Hakimeh Analyzing The concept of exploration of "soul" and other obstacles to perfection related to it, inAsrarnameh from Attar Nishabouri's [ Vol.18, Issue 55 - Autumn - Winter Year 1402]
  • keshavarz gadimi.ali Comparative analysis of the role of the collective unconscious of Carl Gustav Jung in the poem (Pain is my other name) by Qaiser Aminpour [ Vol.18, Issue 55 - Autumn - Winter Year 1402]
  • keshavarz gadimi.ali Reviewing and analyzing the story elements of Tangsir Sadegh Chubak’s novel Based on the classic and modern elements story writing [ Vol.18, Issue 54 - Summer Year 1402]
  • khiyali khatibi.Ahmad Investigating the mystical positions "Sabr" and "Reza" in four works Dastour al-Juhumor, Awarif al-Maarif, Manazel Al-Saerin, and Al-Sawad and Al-Bayaz, relying on Gerard Genet's intertextuality [ Vol.18, Issue 55 - Autumn - Winter Year 1402]
  • khiyali khatibi.Ahmad The study of Speech Poem in Iran (based on the works of Arash Azarpik) [ Vol.18, Issue 55 - Autumn - Winter Year 1402]
  • khiyali khatibi.Ahmad Comparative stylistics of the syntactic layer of female speech in the narrative structure of social novels "Simin Daneshvar" and "Shiva Aristoui" based on the DSL approach [ Vol.18, Issue 55 - Autumn - Winter Year 1402]
  • Khodkarami.Fatemeh Immorality and The world after death from the perspective of epic literature With the look of Gil Gamesh [ Vol.18, Issue 54 - Summer Year 1402]
  • Khojastepour.Saiedeh Explanation and analysis of women's writing in Simin Daneshvar's Savushun novel Based on the feminist stylistics of Sara Mills [ Vol.18, Issue 54 - Summer Year 1402]
  • khosravi.mehdi Analyzing the anthropological roots of ecological criticism [ Vol.18, Issue 55 - Autumn - Winter Year 1402]