Investigating the mystical positions "Sabr" and "Reza" in four works Dastour al-Juhumor, Awarif al-Maarif, Manazel Al-Saerin, and Al-Sawad and Al-Bayaz, relying on Gerard Genet's intertextuality
Subject Areas : مطالعات نقد ادبی
elham ghanavatimohammadghasemi
ahmad khiyali khatibi
ali asghar halabi
1 - PhD student, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Itan.
2 - Assistant professor Department of Persian Language and Literature, Central Tehran branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Itan.
3 - Assistant professor and faculty member of the Faculty of Persian Language and Literature, Central Tehran branch, Islamic Azad University,Tehran, Itan.
Keywords: Sabr, Reza, Intertextuality, Gerard Genet,
Abstract :
Intertextuality is the production of text through interaction with the texts of its predecessors or contemporaries, the participation of those texts in the desired text is done explicitly, implicitly, and implicitly from one text to another. Gérard Genet is one of the most prominent researchers in the field of intertextuality, who focuses most of his studies on the nature of narrative discourse. With this point of view, the two books Manazel al-Saerin Ansari, Awarif al-Maarif Sohravardi in the pretext position and Sheikh Kharqani's Dastour al- Jumhour have been evaluated as the posttext.In this article, an attempt has been made to analyze the mystical views of these four works with the descriptive analytical method, around the two mystical positions of "Sabr" and "Reza" in order to reveal the dominant mystical aspect of their personality. From the examination of his views, it was concluded that Ibn Kharqani is very interested in practical trust, patience in hardships, and contentment with God's destiny, and his thoughts were implicitly influenced by his previous works.
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