Analyzing cultural and identity factors in urban planning and Architecture Pahlavi Era (Case study: Ahvaz City)
Subject Areas : Geography and Architecture
1 - Ph.D., Department of Architecture, Mahshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mahshahr, Iran.
Keywords: Culture and Identity, Urban Planning, Architecture, Pahlavi Era, Ahvaz city,
Abstract :
The culture of a land is deeply influential on urban planning and architecture and clearly retention of basic cultural and artistic factors in buildings has left special effectiveness. Westernism, in the urban planning and architecture of the pahlavi Era is evidently outstanding as far as many changes in the plan forms are witnesses in this period. The present study is an applied study in terms of purpose and a survey study in terms of research methodology based on a questionnaire. The main aim of the research is to evaluate the relationship between cultural factors (in terms of façade and plan) in urban planning and architecture within the ahvaz city specially focusing on three icon buildings created in pahlavi period: triangular college building, silo building and the swan hotel building with an architecture related to the european modernism period. The research data are collected using a questionnaire while the cronbach’s method has been used for evaluating the reliability of this research instrument. We followed the snowball technique to determine the number and type of samples(41 experts). The data were analyzed using the Spss software and kolmogorov-smirnov (KS) test and the sign test. The results of KS test suggest that the significance level is below 0.05 in all cases; therefore, the data normality test is rejected. Also based on the Sign test, the value of 1.739 at the significance level of 0.082 for the “façade index” and the value of 1.562 at the significance levels of 0.118 for the “plan index” have not been significant for those three buildings. Both indices ,façade and plan, have been equally used when compared to the architecture of European modernism period.
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