Investigating the effect of organizational culture on market performance with regard to the role of corporate social responsibility and corporate reputation (Case study: Shiraz Municipality)
Subject Areas : Management and Sustanable Development
Hassan Soltani
Fatemeh Darvishi
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Shiraz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shiraz, Iran.
2 - Master of Management, Shiraz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shiraz, Iran.
Keywords: Financial Performance, Organizational Culture, Corporate Social Responsibility, market performance, Company reputation,
Abstract :
This study aims to investigate the effect of organizational culture on market performance with respect to the role of social responsibility and corporate reputation. The research method is descriptive-survey and correlational. The statistical population of this study is all employees of Shiraz municipality in eleven districts of the municipality. Using the random cluster sampling method, 150 municipal employees were selected as a sample. Data collection tools included the standard Cameron and Quinn (1990) Organizational Culture Questionnaire, Carroll & Shabana (2010), Fumbron et al. (2004), Chery et al. (2014) and Azizi's financial performance (2017). The validity of the questionnaires was assessed and evaluated by the content method and structural validity method by factor analysis technique. The reliability of the questionnaires was confirmed using Cronbach's alpha and the collected data were analyzed using SPSS and PLS software. The results showed that organizational culture has a positive and significant effect on various aspects of corporate social responsibility (employees, customers, environment, and local institutions) and organizations that use the method of social responsibility related to employees and customers strengthen their company reputation.
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_||_Altinigne, N., & Isiksal, D. G. (2016). CSR motivation and customer extra-role behavior : Moderation of ethical corporate identity. Journal of Business Research, 69(10), 4161–4167.
Amir Hosseini, Z., & Ghobadi, M. (2016). Social Responsibility Reporting, Financial Performance and Institutional Ownership. Journal of Management Accounting, 9(28), 55-65.
Azlina, R. R., & Md Kassim, A. A. (2019). Corporate Social Responsibility and Company Reputation: A Conceptual Framework. Selangor Business Review, 3(1).
Choi, J. S., Kwak, Y. M., & Choe, C. (2010). Corporate social responsibility and corporate financial performance: Evidence from Korea. Australian journal of management, 35(3), 291-311.
Elsbach, K. D., & Stigliani, I. (2018). Design thinking and organizational culture: A review and framework for future research. Journal of Management, 44(6), 2274-2306.
González-Rodríguez, M. R., Martín-Samper, R. C., Köseoglu, M. A., & Okumus, F. (2019). Hotels’ corporate social responsibility practices, organizational culture, firm reputation, and performance. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 27(3), 398–419.
Jamali, D., & Karam, C. (2018). Corporate social responsibility in developing countries as an emerging field of study. International Journal of Management Reviews, 20, 32-61.
Kim, S.-B., & Kim, D.-Y. (2017). Antecedents of corporate reputation in the hotel industry: The moderating role of transparency. . Sustainability, 9(6).
Lii, Y.-S., & Lee, M. (2012). Doing right leads to doing well: When the type of CSR and reputation interact to affect consumer evaluations of the firm. Journal of Business Ethics, 105(1), 69-81.
Martınez, P., Perez, A., & del Bosque, I. R. (2014). CSR influence on hotel brand image and loyalty. Academia Revista Latinoamericana de Administracion, 27(2), 267–283.
Moradi, M., & Madani, F. (2020). Ambiguous organizational culture and performance: The vital role of organizational ambivalence. . Organizational Culture Management, 38(14), 1245-1266.
Neculaesei, A.-N., Tatarusanu, M., Anastasiei, B., Dospinescu, N., Bedrule Grigoruta, M. V., & Ionescu, A. M. (2019). A Model of the Relationship between Organizational Culture, Social Responsibility and Performance. Transformations in Business & Economics, 18(2A).
Park, J., Lee, H., & Kim, C. (2014). Corporate social responsibilities, consumer trust and corporate reputation: South Korean consumers’ perspectives. Journal of Business Research, 67(3), 295–302. j.jbusres.2013.05.016
Piccoli, G., Lui, T.-W., & Grun, B. (2017). The impact of IT-enabled customer service systems on service personalization, customer service perceptions, and hotel performance. . Tourism Management Studies, 59, 349–362. j. tourman.2016.08.015
Serra-Cantallops, A., Pena-Miranda, D. D., Ramon-Cardona, J., & Martorell-Cunill, O. (2008). Progress in Research on CSR and the hotel industry (2006-2015). Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 59(1), 15-38.
Sirsly, C. A., & Lvina, E. (2016). From doing good to looking even better: The dynamics of CSR and reputation. Business & Society, 58(6), 1234-1266
Tetrault Sirsly, C.-A., & Lvina, E. (2016). From doing good to looking even better: The dynamics of CSR and reputation. Business & Society, 58(6), 1234-1266.
Theodoulidis, B., Diaz, D., Crotto, F., & Rancati, E. (2017). Exploring corporate social responsibility and financial performance through stakeholder theory in the tourism industries. Tourism Management Studies, 62, 173–188. j. tourman.2017.03.018
Youn, H., Hua, N., & Lee, S. (2015). Does size matter? Corporate social responsibility and firm performance in the restaurant industry. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 51, 127-134.
Yu, S.-H., & liang, W.-C. (2020). Exploring the Determinants of Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility: An Empirical Examination. Sustainability 12(6).
Zhu, E., Kantur, D., Maden, C., & Telci, E. E. (2022). Investigating the mediating role of corporate reputation on the relationship between corporate social responsibility and multiple stakeholderoutcomes. . Quality & Quantity, 50(1), 129-149.
Zhu, Y., Sun, L.-Y., & Leung, A. S. (2014). Corporate social responsibility, firm reputation, and firm performance: The role of ethical leadership. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 31(4), 925–947.