An Essay on Migration from the Islamic Standpoint (with Emphasis on Its Sociological and Psychological Aspects)
Subject Areas : فصلنامه مطالعات میان رشته ای فقه
Atefeh Shakiba Rad
Haeideh Saberi
Mehrdad Sabet
1 - Clinical Psychology PhD Student, Faculty of Psychology and Social Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Roudehen Branch, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor of Department of Psychology, Faculty of Psychology and Social Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Roudehen Branch, Tehran, Iran. (Corresponding Author).
3 - Assistant Professor of Department of Psychology, Faculty of Psychology and Social Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Roudehen Branch, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: Migration, Islam, Emigration, Sociological, Ansar, Psychological, migrators,
Abstract :
Despite the fact that emigration is one of the keywords and critical concepts in Islam, there is no comprehensive explanation of the concept in accordance with modern issues of a society. Therefore, the present research studies migration by considering the sociological and psychological aspects of this important issue from an Islamic perspective.According to Quran verses and Islamic traditions, migration can be of scientific, religious, fleeing from oppression, internal-divine kinds and, it is obligatory in any time when there are causes of and some philosophy for it. Islamic jurisprudence divided the world geographically into the abode of Islam and the abode of infidelity, based on which migration is classified into four groups of obligatory, recommended, permissible, and prohibited. This classification, particularly in contemporary period, has brought under focus the situation of Muslim minorities in non-Muslim countries. Motivations for migration from an Islamic perspective include relief and (psychological and sociological) security, promotion and expression of religious rituals, and education in other countries for providing the needs of an Islamic society. Islamic religion considered seriously the psychological issues of migration. This can be clearly traced back to individual and social interaction management among the Ansar group and migrators in Prophets´ time. Through founding Islamic system on the precepts of god which are found in divine revelations and rules, this individual and social management resulted in cordiality and brotherhood between the Ansar group and migrators.Migration policymaking in Iran should be done in accordance with Islamic basics and concepts on emigration and migration in such a way to profit all the members of an Islamic society.