Representation of Covid19 on the IRIB News Agency Telegram Platform and Its Persian-language Satellite Competitors
Subject Areas : Communication
Javad Sadeghi
Ebrahim Fathi
Mehrdad Pashabadi
1 - Iran Broadcasting University
2 - Deputy of Education and Research Faculty of Communication and Media, IRIB of University
3 - Iran Broadcasting University
Keywords: "IRIB News Agency", "Telegram", "Representation", "Satellite Networks", "Coronavirus",
Abstract :
In the postmodern world, issues are presented as reality or hyperreality through the media and their dominance of codes and represented prescriptions of reality permeate the current human lifeworld. The main purpose of this research is reading how the corona phenomenon is represented in the telegram channels of the IRIB News Agency, BBC Persian and Iran International during the outbreak of the coronavirus. Under the current crisis of Corona, the above-mentioned media represent the Corona phenomenon and its issues based on their unique news discourse. The research analysis method is to implement the image analysis technique to extract various semantic significations from the selected views. In this regard, Pierce, Barthes, and Chandler's semiotic approaches have been used to interpret the images related to Corona on the telegram channels of the mentioned media. The presenting Corona news approach in the IRIB telegram channel has been the frame of "doctors’ authority and accompanying the citizens with itself". The BBC Persian Telegram channel has used the Corona as a "tool to intensify disputes" between the people and the government and to create tension in Iranian society and has also resorted to the frame of "spreading terror" among the public. Meanwhile, the fledgling news network of Iran International has produced and published news programs related to Corona with the aims of "magnifying the phenomenon of crisis" and "discounting of meaning in religion" to direct public opinion in Iranian society towards the intentions of its owners and media policy on the Telegram mobile messenger.
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