The four dimensions of health in the content of provincial radio-based health programs (Emphasizing the use and lifestyle of the citizens of Hamadan)
Subject Areas : Communicationnahid saadatsirat 1 * , hadi khaniki 2
1 - researcher
2 - researcher
Keywords: type of audience, health dimensions, Socio-economic status, Keywords: health-oriented lifestyle, social health,
Abstract :
Abstract The media has an important and influential role on people's health, and creating a culture of social health and public health by using media content can increase people's awareness in the field of health and social health. The media, due to its unique capabilities, can play an important role in the field of social health as a communication mechanism. In this article, with quantitative content analysis methods, first the content of provincial radio-based health programs in the social health dimension is extracted and analyzed, and then the lifestyle of the people of Hamadan along with their media consumption through a survey method with a statistical sample of 400 Citizens 17 years and older were identified and analyzed. The results obtained from the content analysis show that among the health-oriented programs of the provincial radio, first the social health dimension is prominent and then the mental, physical and spiritual dimensions have the highest frequency and duration, respectively. The results of the survey also show that there is a significant relationship between health-oriented lifestyle and the type of audience of health-oriented radio programs, as well as between health-oriented lifestyle and socio-economic status of individuals.Keywords: health-oriented lifestyle, type of audience, social health, health dimensions, socio-economic status.
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