The Reflection of Archetypal Concepts of Water in Sherko Bekas Poetry
Subject Areas : Persian Language & Literaturejihad shokri 1 * , saghar salmani 2
1 - Associate Professor, Persian Dept., Faculty of Languages, University of Salahaddin, Erbil, Iraq
2 - Assistant Professor, Persian and English Language and Literature Dept., Public Teaching Center, Khajeh Nasir University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Water, Archetype, Sherko bekas, Carl G. Jung,
Abstract :
The mythical critique or the archetype debate is one of the forms of the critique that results from the work of Carl Gustav Jung which is welcomed by a broader scope today. The water archetype is the most obvious achievement for the natural characteristics in the literatures and the mythology of different nations which has a huge presence in a Kurdish literature. This vision can be seen in one of the most important literary poems of contemporary thought. The presence of water images in Sherko Bekas's poems is a sign of the solidity and the fixation of water in collective memory, which has been represented in literature. Water is one of these archetypes that has not been focused yet in the Kurdish literary product in terms of archetype. The new and innovative side of this course is reflected firstly in coming back to show water’s archetype and the study of Sherko Bekas poems. This study, which is being carried out in an analytical and descriptive way, relies on the mythical-psychological view of the appearance of the water image in Sherko Bekas poems to make it clear to us how much it is with archetypes principles. The results of this study show that Sherko used a number of global symbols to express the value of his criticisms and understandings, and many times we can see the important characteristics of Yung and other researchers of this field of archetype in Bekas’s poems which is manifested in different way. The most important work for the symbol of life being it which manifests itself in his poems.
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