• mansouriyeh.nastaran The effectiveness of cognitive therapy based on mindfulness on the of pain catastrophizing ,psychological distress and mental rumination in women with cancer in Tabriz [ Vol.17, Issue 66 - Winter Year 1403]
  • Masoudi.Nazila Effect of Women's Self-Awareness on Social Responsibility by Explaining the Mediating Role of Adherence to Islamic Moral Values [ Vol.17, Issue 65 - Autumn Year 1403]
  • mazruei.nazila Comparison of the effectiveness of group education based on mindfulness, Geshtalt theory and religious spiritual approach Islam oriented on psychological distress and quality of perceived marital relationship of Educable Intellectual Disability student's mothers [ Vol.17, Issue 63 - Spring Year 1403]
  • mazruei.nazila the effectiveness of group education based on religious spiritual approach Islam oriented on psychological distress, Guilt and quality of perceived marital relationship of educable student's mothers [ Vol.17, Issue 66 - Winter Year 1403]
  • mirzaei.Kamran Comparing the effectiveness of mindfulness based cognitive therapy and acceptance and commitment therapy on depression and quality of life in cancer patients [ Vol.17, Issue 66 - Winter Year 1403]
  • Modarres Khiyabani.Farzin Effect of Women's Self-Awareness on Social Responsibility by Explaining the Mediating Role of Adherence to Islamic Moral Values [ Vol.17, Issue 65 - Autumn Year 1403]
  • mohamdi.asghar The Study of the influence of premarital education and consultation on family consolidation in the first three years of their marital life among married young people of Isfahan and Shahrekord cities [ Vol.17, Issue 66 - Winter Year 1403]
  • Mohammadi.Maryam The Effectiveness of Schema Therapy on Attachment Styles and Marital Intimacy of Couples in Tehran City [ Vol.17, Issue 64 - Summer Year 1403]
  • Mousaaei.Massam Analysis of family transformations based on women's and men's constructions of these transformations in the transition process of their joint life [ Vol.17, Issue 65 - Autumn Year 1403]