• abbasi.mina Comparison of the effectiveness of neurofeedback and schema therapy on high-risk behaviors, cognitive avoidance and brain waves in delinquent adolescents in Tabriz [ Vol.17, Issue 63 - Spring Year 1403]
  • abdoyi.jamshid Gharari marriage and its effect on marriage from the perspective of imami and Hanfi jurists [ Vol.17, Issue 65 - Autumn Year 1403]
  • Agdamibaher.Alireza The effectiveness of Behavioral Activation on mental rumination, emotion regulation and psychological symptoms in female patients with high blood pressure in the health care industry of the northwestern oil industry [ Vol.17, Issue 64 - Summer Year 1403]
  • Aghaei.Hakime The Canonical Correlation Analysis of the Relationship between Self-Differentiation and Attachment Behavior in Couple Relationships with Sensation Seeking in Women with Tendency to Marital Infidelity [ Vol.17, Issue 63 - Spring Year 1403]
  • aghapour.mehdi Comparison of the effectiveness of neurofeedback and schema therapy on high-risk behaviors, cognitive avoidance and brain waves in delinquent adolescents in Tabriz [ Vol.17, Issue 63 - Spring Year 1403]
  • Aghbolaghi.Nazila Investigating the effect of anger management training based on cognitive reconstruction on mental fatigue, perceived stress and emotion regulation of nurses at Shafai Hospital in Urmia [ Vol.17, Issue 65 - Autumn Year 1403]
  • aghdasi.alinaghi Investigating the effect of anger management training based on cognitive reconstruction on mental fatigue, perceived stress and emotion regulation of nurses at Shafai Hospital in Urmia [ Vol.17, Issue 65 - Autumn Year 1403]
  • Aghdasi.Alinaghi The effectiveness of emotion management strategies based on emotion-oriented couple therapy approach on sexual satisfaction and communication patterns in married women [ Vol.17, Issue 66 - Winter Year 1403]
  • Ahangar.Ahad Investigating the effect of anger management training based on cognitive reconstruction on mental fatigue, perceived stress and emotion regulation of nurses at Shafai Hospital in Urmia [ Vol.17, Issue 65 - Autumn Year 1403]
  • akhoundi.fahimah Comparing the effectiveness of compassion-based skills training and emotion-oriented skills training on the anxiety sensitivity of women affected by extramarital relationships [ Vol.17, Issue 64 - Summer Year 1403]
  • Alivandi Vafa.Marzieh Causal model Predicting marital infidelity based on attachment styles, cognitive flexibility and Sexual satisfaction with the mediating role of cognitive flexibility in couples [ Vol.17, Issue 66 - Winter Year 1403]
  • Alivandi Vafa.Marzieh Investigating the effectiveness of mother's behavioral management group training on the level of aggression, anxiety and depression of mothers with 4-7 years old children [ Vol.17, Issue 66 - Winter Year 1403]
  • Alivandi Vafa.Marzieh The effectiveness of emotional therapy on marital boredom, intimacy and sexual performance of women affected by marital infidelity [ Vol.17, Issue 65 - Autumn Year 1403]
  • Alivandivafa.Marziyeh Comparison of the effectiveness of group education based on mindfulness, Geshtalt theory and religious spiritual approach Islam oriented on psychological distress and quality of perceived marital relationship of Educable Intellectual Disability student's mothers [ Vol.17, Issue 63 - Spring Year 1403]
  • Alivandivafa.Marziyeh the effectiveness of group education based on religious spiritual approach Islam oriented on psychological distress, Guilt and quality of perceived marital relationship of educable student's mothers [ Vol.17, Issue 66 - Winter Year 1403]
  • Alivandivafa.Marziyeh of individual, familial and social empowerment program on self-concept and school engagement in First Grade of High school bullied-victimized students of Tabriz City [ Vol.17, Issue 65 - Autumn Year 1403]
  • amini.naser Comparing the effectiveness of mindfulness based cognitive therapy and acceptance and commitment therapy on depression and quality of life in cancer patients [ Vol.17, Issue 66 - Winter Year 1403]
  • aminifar.roshanak Predicting coronavirus anxiety in children based on positive psychological characteristics and parent-child interaction [ Vol.17, Issue 65 - Autumn Year 1403]
  • amiri.afsaneh The Effectiveness of Emotion Efficacy Therapy on Symptom of anxiety, Distress Tolerance and Difficulty in Emotion Regulation in Women with Generalized Anxiety Disorder [ Vol.17, Issue 66 - Winter Year 1403]
  • azadi.shahdokht Comparing the effectiveness of mindfulness based cognitive therapy and acceptance and commitment therapy on depression and quality of life in cancer patients [ Vol.17, Issue 66 - Winter Year 1403]
  • Azimi.Maryam The effectiveness of cognitive therapy based on mindfulness on the of pain catastrophizing ,psychological distress and mental rumination in women with cancer in Tabriz [ Vol.17, Issue 66 - Winter Year 1403]
  • Azkhosh.Manouchehr The Canonical Correlation Analysis of the Relationship between Self-Differentiation and Attachment Behavior in Couple Relationships with Sensation Seeking in Women with Tendency to Marital Infidelity [ Vol.17, Issue 63 - Spring Year 1403]