Collar and Gap Performance Analysis on Reduce Scour at Bridge Piers by SSIIM Software
Subject Areas : hydrologyKouros Nekoufar 1 * , Farshid Pooladi 2 , Mehrnaz Roozbahani 3
1 - University faculty member, Islamic Azad University, Chalous Branch, Iran.
2 - MSc Student, Islamic Azad University, Larestan Branch, Iran
3 - MSc, Aerospace Research Institute, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: gap, Software SSIIM, Scour depth, Collar,
Abstract :
The erosion of the substrate and the carrying of the material is called scouring. Due to the fact that one of the most important reasons for the destruction of the bridges, especially in flood situations, is the local scouring around the bridge, the determination of the local scour depth near the bridges is very important. An important role in designing bridges is in the face of this destructive phenomenon. For this reason, it is important to provide methods to control and reduce this phenomenon. Using SSIIM software, which is a time-consuming three-dimensional software, scour and scrubbing are checked using collar and splitter. It was found that simultaneous use of collar and gap has a significant effect on reducing the scour depth and the results of numerical modeling show a difference of 20-25% with the results of the experimental model.