Women’s Alimony in Iran, France, and Sweden Laws
Subject Areas : Sociologyحسن Heidari 1 , منیژه Hajati 2 , یوسف Ebrahimi Nasab 3
1 - Department of Law and Political Science, Ahwaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahwaz, IRAN
2 - Department of Criminology and Criminal Law, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahwaz, IRAN
3 - Young Researchers Club, Ahwaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahwaz, Iran
Abstract :
The Purpose of this research was to compare the “couples’ financial relations” in Iran, France and Sweden law systems specially the term “alimony”. One of the problems to be referred as sex discrimination between the men and women is the mutual rights of the couples. Wife and husband through the marriage contract endured different bilateral responsibilities toward each other. Providing the family revenue in Iran is the unilateral man commitment and woman has no responsibility in this field, while in France and Sweden it is a bilateral commitment and woman has the same responsibility to provide the family expenditures as well. Some believe that most of the religious jurisprudence laws have been discriminated between man and woman and it would be necessary for Iran to join the international convention of the woman rights which seeks the equality of man and woman in all aspects. To view the different angles of the discussion, the man and woman relationships were considered on financial and non-financial aspects. The marriage was not suppose to be concerned about the loss and profit at the earlier moments but on the serious first crisis the financial counterclaim to be the most vital conflicting dispute. And if it was not managed properly it would lead to critical legal suit. In Iran laws, the principle of financial independence of the mates was the basis of couples’ financial relations and both the wife and husband are completely independent in acquiring their properties. But in the western countries laws such as France and Sweden in the properties partnership systems man is the boss of the partnership and manage the joint mates properties and in the properties absolute isolation system according to the legal assumption , he could manipulate his wife property unless the woman rejects it obviously. In this paper, the legal different systems of the above mentioned countries were discussed.
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