The Relationship of Religious Beliefs, and Resilience with Optimism In Female High School Students
Subject Areas : Sociologyمرضیه Nasir 1 * , فرح Naderi 2
1 - M.A. in Psychology, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran
2 - Department of Psychology, College of Human Sciences, Khouzestan Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, , Ahwaz, Iran.
Abstract :
This study examined the relationship between religious beliefs, and resiliency with optimism of students. The statistical population consisted of high school students in Dezful city, of which 300 students were randomly selected via cluster sampling procedure. Tools used in this study included Questionnaire Of Religious Beliefs, Conner and Davidson Resiliency Scale (CD-RISC), and the Optimism Questionnaire (ASQ). All of the scales had acceptable validity and reliability. The research was a correlation study. To analyze data multiple regression method was used. Results showed that there existed significant positive relationship religious beliefs and resiliency with optimism. The result of multiple regression analysis also revealed that religious beliefs and resiliency are respectively significantly predicted optimism.
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