The Study of Marriage Revocation Caused by Vitiligo Affected Spouse
Subject Areas : Moralityعابدین Moemeni 1 * , S. F. Mosavi 2
1 - Associate Professor, Department of Islamic Jurisprudence and Laws, Tehran University,
Tehran, Iran
2 - Department of Islamic Jurisprudence and Laws, Islamic Azad University, Ahwaz Branch,
Ahwaz, Iran
Abstract :
Vitiligo is a pigmentation disorder in which melanocytes؛ the cells that make pigment in the skin are destroyed. As a result, white patches appear on the skin in different parts of the body. Vitiligo affects males and females of all races equally. Its study significance in Islamic texts was due to some religious prescripts in which such a disease has been considered as one of the conditions that might revoke the marriage contract of a couple in accordance with jurisprudence and legal edicts. This research was an analytic-descriptive investigation that intended to explain why some of the jurisprudents considered the vitiligo to be particularly true to women and some others took it as equally common conditions to men and women. With referring to jurisprudence references, Shiite and Sunni prescripts and religious decrees jurisprudents and lawyers doctrines and analyzing their documentations , it was concluded that famous Shiite jurisprudents and consequently the Islamic Republic of Iran civil laws considered the vitiligo to be particularly true to women. To prove their points of view they discussed and invoked the hadith, a record of the words and deeds of the Prophet of Islam and Imams of the Shiite. Some other of Shiite and the Sunni jurisprudents also took the vitiligo as the equally common conditions to men and women . They cited the hadith to justify their prescripts too.