Acculturation Developmental Course of the Holy Qur'an in the Verses Revelation of the Specific to Women Explicit Rules
Subject Areas : Sociology
Khadijeh Ahmadi Bighash
Ameneh Ahmadi Bighash
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Quran and Hadith, Faculty of Humanities, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.
2 - PhD student, Department of Quran and Hadith, Faculty of Quran and Hadith Sciences,University of Islamic Mazaheb, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: Specific for women rulings verses, Acculturalization of the Holy Qur'an, The developmental course,
Abstract :
The aim of the current research was to investigate the acculturation developmental course of the holy Qur'an in the verses revelation of the specific to women explicit rules. The universe of the study included all the verses of the Holy Quran. The research sample embraced the specific to women explicit rulings verses. The research design was descriptive-analytical. To collect data, the verses of the Holy Quran, interpretive, narrative and historical sources were reviewed via the library method. Then the data were analyzed. The findings of the research showed: The Quran is a universal book for the guidance of all mankind, which in the process of its revelation, in addition to the transmission of the text, also provided the audience with the method to realize its educational dimensions well through acculturalization. One of the most important categories of the Qur'an are the specific to women rulings verses, which are implicitly mentioned in the Meccan surah, and explicitly in the Madani surah, in topics such as: menstruation, breastfeeding period, eddeh (waiting period after divorce during which a woman cannot remarry), chastity and modesty, ghaz al-basr (staring to the men), etc. have been mentioned. Focusing on the revelation of explicit verses specific to women in the process of revelation, telling from a kind of gradual culture building in order to fight and invalidate superstitions and ignorance, preparing to accept rulings, and planning them from the simplest to the most difficult, in line with the gradual preparation and training of the audience to accept women's rights, respect their status, and promote the human character of women on the age of decline in society.
The Holy Quran
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