Evaluation of the homeless housing policy making pattern (Inadequate housing settlements) in Iran
Subject Areas :
Abolfazl Meshkini
Elaheh ShakeriMansour
seyyed Ali Alavi
1 - tarbiat modares university
2 - Geography and urban planing,Faculty of Humanity, Tarbiat Modares university,Tehran, Iran
3 - Geography and urban planing,Faculty of Humanity, Tarbiat Modares university,Tehran, Iran
Received: 2020-03-22
Accepted : 2021-01-01
Published : 2022-07-23
Inappropriate Housing,
Strategic Policies,
Housing Supply Plans,
Abstract :
Despite several decades of planning and policy-making to supply housing for low-income groups, changes in political attitudes in each period prevented forming integrated and coherent policy-making to solve this problem. The goal of this study is initially to define homelessness concept regardless of homelessness (absolute homelessness) and other related concepts and then to explain a specific and comprehensive policy-making for housing planning of aforementioned groups by combinational approach (strategic policy-making). The research employed content analysis to determine dimensions of the strategic policy (specific perspective, strategic thinking capacity, organizational orientation) and its indices and all of seven housing supplying program including individual land allocating program, land preparation, new urban, building and supplying rental housing units, Mehr housing, regularizing and empowerment of informal settlements and rehabilitation and renovation of old and urban inefficiency assessed via 20 experts in housing field through one-sample T-test. Results indicate that none of the seven housing planning followed the strategic policy-making characteristics and were at low level from experts' view. In the indicators of foresight, realism, coordination with the policies of other sectors and coordination with the superior documents (land preparation and land assignment); In the indicators of holistic view, value orientation, level of plan decision making (land preparation); In the index of decision-making structure of the plan (land assignment) have the lowest level of compliance with the indicators of strategic policies, which has led to the continuation of the problem of homelessness in the country. Finally, following the strategic policymaking for homeless housing is proposed to exit from such challenge.
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