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    Publishing Ethics Regulations of two quarterly jurisprudence


    This by-law is a charter or commitment that outlines some ethical limits and responsibilities related to conducting scientific research activities and publishing them in journals, hereinafter referred to as the journal, to prevent the occurrence of knowingly or unknowingly research violations by the authors of articles. N.


    This by-law is taken from the "Charter and Standards of Research Ethics" approved by the Deputy Minister of Research and Technology of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology of Iran, internationally accepted publishing standards, and the experiences of this journal and some other scientific research journals. The list of references used to set this regulation is given at the end.


    1. Introduction

    Authors, judges, editors and editors of the journal are required to know and adhere to all principles of research ethics and related responsibilities in the field of publishing. Submission of the article by the authors, judging the article by the judges and deciding whether to accept or reject the article by the editorial board and the editor are considered as recognition and observance of these rights. The magazine considers any legal action to be its right. The charter and standards of research ethics approved by the Deputy Minister of Research and Technology of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology should be a guide for authors and those involved in judging and publishing the journal.




    1. Authors ’responsibilities


    The submitted articles must be in the specialized field of the journal and have been prepared scientifically and coherently, according to the standard of the journal.


    The submitted articles should be the original research of the authors of the article and any use of other people's research should be mentioned in the article.


    The research must be done accurately and objectively and the data must be reported correctly.


    The authors are responsible for the accuracy of the content of the articles and the authors are obliged to ensure the accuracy of the content of the articles. The publication of an article does not imply endorsement by the journal.


    Authors are required to avoid "research and publication misconduct" as described in Section 3.


    Authors do not have the right to "duplicate submission" of an article. In other words, the article or part of it should not be published in any other journal in or outside the country or in the process of being judged and published.


    Authors are not allowed to "Overlapping publication". Overlapping means publishing the data and findings of your previous articles with a slight change to an article as new.


    Authors are obliged to use the content of others, with accurate citation, and if necessary, after obtaining written and explicit permission, to use the required resources. When the same writings of another researcher are used, direct citation methods and symbols should be used, such as putting it in quotation marks ("").


    The author in charge of the article should make sure that all authors are named and that there are no names other than the researchers involved in conducting the research and preparing the article. In other words, the addition of "Gift authorship" and the removal of "Ghost authorship" should be avoided.


    The author in charge of the article is obliged to ensure that all authors of the article have read it and agreed to present it and their place in the article.


    Submitting an article means that the authors have obtained the consent of all financial or spatial sponsors of the article and have introduced all financial or spatial sponsorships of the article.


    Authors are obliged to inform the journal whenever they notice any errors or inaccuracies in their article, to correct it or to withdraw the article.


    Authors are expected to retain samples and raw information used in the preparation of the article for at least one year after the publication of the article in the journal to respond to possible criticism and questions from readers of the journal.


    Any hazards posed to humans or the environment by research should be clearly stated in the article.


    The authors of the articles are expected to collaborate with the journal in reviewing the articles of other researchers in relevant fields.


    1. Immoral behavior of publishing and research

    If at any stage of submitting, judging, editing, or publishing an article in or after a journal, one of the following is ensured, it is considered immoral publishing and research behavior, and the journal has the right to deal with it legally.


    Fabrication: is the reporting of unrealistic material and the presentation of fictitious data or results as laboratory results, experimental studies, or personal findings. Unrealistically recording what did not happen or shifting the results of various studies are examples of this violation.


    Data Falsification: The recording and presentation of research results in such a way that the details of the research or data collection process are manipulated, or data is deleted or altered, or some small results are magnified in order to hide larger facts. (Juicy quotes) so that the results of the research are pursued in line with specific goals or the presented results are not questioned.


    Plagiarism: involves the close adaptation of thoughts and expressions of other authors, copying in the expression of ideas, structural similarities in writing or attributing ideas and results of others without proper reference, or introducing it as a genuine scientific research.


    Scientific lease: means that the author (s) hire another person to do the research and after the end of the research, publish it in his own name.


    Unrealistic attribution: means unrealistic attribution of the author (s) to an institution, center or educational or research group that did not play a role in the original research.


    Resubmit an article, republish overlap, add "honorary author" or delete "real author"


    1. Reviewers ’responsibility

    The judges assist the editor and editorial board of the journal in reviewing the quality, content, and scientificity of the articles, and help improve the quality and content of the authors' articles through the journal office.


    The selected referee should immediately inform the editor of the journal of his decision to accept or not to accept the referee (due to the absence of the subject of the article in the field of referee work, lack of time or ...). Also, if the referee is not accepted, the referee is expected to assist the editor in selecting a replacement referee.


    The reviewer should be professionally expert in the subject area of ​​the article.


    The referee should not accept articles that are far from his / her field of expertise. It is also appropriate for the arbitrator to refrain from accepting arbitration for articles that differ in principle from their subjects and may not be able to conduct a fair review.


    The arbitrator should not accept articles for which the interests of certain individuals, institutions and companies are obtained or personal relationships are observed.


    The reviewer should not accept the refereeing of articles he / she participated in performing, analyzing or writing.


    In case of accepting the refereeing of the article, the reviewer is obliged to submit his specialized and corrective opinions clearly and, if necessary, by providing the necessary documents to the editor of the journal and the authors within the specified time limit. Careful review of references, tables, pictures and other appendices of the article is also one of the duties of the referee.


    The judging of articles should be done on the basis of sufficient scientific documents and reasoning, and the exercise of taste, personal, professional, racial, religious, etc. opinions in judging articles should be avoided.


    The reviewer is expected to present his / her assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the article to the editor of the journal and the author (s) in a constructive, explicit and educational manner, along with the analysis of the strengths and weaknesses and suggestions for correcting the article.


    Judges are expected to be responsible, accountable, punctual, truthful, interested, and committed to professional ethics and respect for the rights of others. Citing credible and relevant evidence, fairness, politeness, avoiding prejudice and haste, as well as a clear statement to the editor about the appropriateness of the article for publication in the journal are other characteristics of the judges.


    Judges are expected to refrain from rewriting and modifying the article based on their personal tastes and preferences if the article is written in a flawless and clear manner. Judges should keep in mind that the journal needs their scientific expertise, not their editorial services.


    The reviewer is required to ensure that the article is fully referenced to all research, topics and citations used in the article. The reviewer is also expected to remind the authors of relevant published research that is not referenced in the article.


    The reviewer should keep all information in the articles confidential and avoid sharing it with others and discussing its details with others.


    Prior to the publication of the article, the reviewer has no right to use the new data or concepts for or against the research of the readers themselves or to criticize or discredit the authors. Also, after the publication of the article, the referee is not allowed to publish details beyond what is published by the magazine.


    The referee has no right to leave the refereeing of an article to another person, including his / her faculty or graduate students, except with the permission of the journal editor. The name of anyone who assisted in judging the article should be mentioned in the judging report to the editor and recorded in the journal documents.


    The reviewer is not allowed to contact the authors directly in relation to the articles being judged.


    Any contact with the authors of the articles will be made only through the office of the journal.


    The judges are expected to be serious in reporting "unethical publishing and research behavior" and sending the relevant documents to the editor of the journal.


    1. Editorial Board Responsibilities

    The authority and responsibility of selecting the judges and accepting or rejecting an article after obtaining the opinion of the judges is the responsibility of the editor and members of the editorial board of the magazine.


    The editor and members of the editorial board of the magazine should be professionally expert, expert and have numerous publications, as well as a spirit of responsibility, accountability, truth-seeking, fairness and impartiality, adherence to professional ethics and respect for the rights of others, and seriously And participate responsibly in order to achieve the goals of the magazine and its continuous improvement.


    The editor and members of the editorial board are expected to prepare a database of suitable referees for the journal and update it regularly based on the performance of the referees.

    The editor and the members of the editorial board should make efforts in selecting the right judges according to their professional background, excellence, scientific and work experience, and the moral obligation of the judges.


    It is also expected that, if possible, the reasoned and logical requests of the authors regarding the non-judgment of the article by special judges will be respected.


    The editor of the journal should welcome deep and reasoned judgments, avoid superficial and weak judgments, and deal with biased, unfounded, or derogatory judgments.


    The editor and members of the editorial board of the journal should take the necessary steps to register and archive the judging documents of the articles as scientific documents, and to keep the names of the referees of each article confidential.


    Decisions on accepting or rejecting articles should be made on the basis of evaluating the judges' expert opinions and assessing their accuracy, and sufficient scientific documentation and reasoning, and should not be subject to tastes, personalities, guilds, races, religions, etc.


    The editor and members of the editorial board of the journal are responsible for promptly announcing the final decision on whether to accept or reject the article to the author.


    The editor and members of the editorial board of the journal should keep all the information in the articles confidential and avoid sharing it with others and discussing its details with others.


    The editor and members of the editorial board of the journal have no right to use the new data or concepts in favor of or against their own research or that of others, or to criticize or discredit the authors prior to the publication of the article. Also, after the publication of the article, the editor and members of the editorial board of the magazine are not allowed to publish details beyond what is published in the magazine. The only exception in this regard is the review of cases related to "immoral publishing and research behaviors" by the authors, if there are plausible reasons.


    The editor and editorial board members of the journal are required to avoid conflicts of interest in the arbitration process, given any personal, commercial, academic or financial connections that may potentially affect the acceptance and publication of submitted articles. .


    The editor and members of the editorial board of the journal should encourage the judges to be careful and comment on the authenticity and non-occurrence of publishing and research violations in the submitted articles.


    The editor of the journal is obliged to carefully and seriously examine the works of the accused of deviating from the publishing ethics and research that are reported by the judges or in any other way, and if necessary, according to the paragraph "Steps to deal with immoral publishing and research behavior" in this procedure. Letter to act.


    The editor should not consider the issue over by rejecting the accused articles or articles that have been found to be in violation, and he is obliged to follow up the cases to the last stage. At the same time, there should be an opportunity to respond to authors who have been accused of "immoral publishing and research behavior."


    The editor of the journal is obliged to promptly delete the published articles in which it is determined that "publishing and research immoral behavior" has occurred, and to provide clear information to the readers and the relevant indexing authorities.


    The editor and members of the editorial board of the journal are obliged to review and print the amendment quickly and to inform the readers clearly about the published articles in which errors have been found.


    The editor and editorial board of the journal are expected to welcome the publication of reasonable and acceptable reviews of published articles.


    The journal's editor and editorial board should constantly seek the views of the journal's authors, readers, and reviewers on improving the magazine's publishing policies and the quality of its form and content.


    1. Duties of the journal

    This office is responsible for editing and pagination of accepted articles and ultimately publishing print and electronic editions of journals.

    Tasks include the following:

    Defining and clearly announcing its publishing policies, especially in relation to editorial decision-making independence, publishing ethics, intellectual property and copyright protection, conflict of interest, duties of authors, judges, editors and editorial board, judging process And decision-making, appeals and complaints, preservation of scientific documents of the decision-making process, preservation of information of authors and judges, correction or deletion of accepted articles, and resolution of disputes between plaintiffs and defendants of "publishing and research immoral behavior"


    Efforts to edit, page layout and print the magazine with the utmost precision and quality and in the shortest possible time


    Protection of the personal information of the authors and the contents and details of the articles, except what is published in the journal after the acceptance of the articles, during the judging and after the decision on the articles. The only exception in this regard is the review of cases related to "immoral publishing and research behaviors" by the authors, if there are plausible reasons.


    Maintaining the independence of the magazine's editor and editorial board


    Provide the necessary training to the editor, members of the editorial board and judges of the magazine to perform their responsibilities properly


    Efforts to provide the necessary training to the authors of the journal to improve the quality of the form and content of articles and proper observance of the principles of publishing and research ethics


    Collaborate with the editor of the journal in maintaining the highest level of publishing and research ethics in the journal and ensuring that the contents of the journal are free from errors in form and content.


    Collaborate with the editor of the journal in reviewing the reports of "publishing and research immoral behavior" and provide expert advice to plaintiffs and defendants if necessary


    Examine requests for the use of materials published in the journal in another publication, citing the source


    1. Steps to deal with publishing and research immoral behavior:

    Receiving a written indictment from an organization or real person through the journal office


    Meeting of the editorial board of the journal with the presence of the representative of the University Publishing Center and the initial investigation of the charge


    Collecting documents and evaluating them, if necessary, and preparing minutes on whether or not the charge has been filed


    Send the charge to the accused authors and request a response within the specified time


    Examining the answers of the defendants in the meeting of the editorial board of the journal with the presence of the representative of the University Publishing Center and the final decision


    Sending a decision to the plaintiff and the accused along with sentencing proposals if the charge is found


    Informing the highest research official of the organization where the violators operate



    1. Charter and Standards of Research Ethics "Approved by the Deputy Minister of Research and Technology of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology
    2. Ethical Code of Scientific Journals, First Edition, Institute of Humanities and Cultural Studies
    3. Scientific Ethics Regulations of the Iranian Physics Association
    4. Ethical principles of article publishing, city landscape research, specialized journal of landscape architecture and urban design
    5. Committee on Publication Ethics, COPE Code of Conduct, www.publicationethics.org.
    6. Committee on Publication Ethics, COPE Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers, www.publicationethics.org.
    7. S. Rockwell, Ethics of Peer Review: A Guide for Manuscript Reviewers, http://www.wame.org/ethical_issues_in_peer_review.pdf/view.
    8. Committee on Publication Ethics, COPE Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors, www.publicationethics.org.
    9. Committee on Publication Ethics, COPE Code of Conduct for Journal Publishers, www.publicationethics.org.