Investigating the Relationship between Moral Intelligence and Job Burnout with Organizational Commitment among Sports and Youth Employees in Sistan
Subject Areas : title1
hamid akati
seyed mohammad hosein hoseini ravesh
1 - Assistant Professor of Management, Islamic Azad University, Zabol Branch, Zabol, Iran
2 - islamic azad university of zabol
Keywords: Organizational Commitment, burnout, Moral intelligence,
Abstract :
The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between moralintelligence and burnout with organizational commitment among the staff of the SistanRegional Relief Committee. The research method is descriptive survey approach andcorrelational. The statistical population of this study includes all employees of the SistanRegional Relief Committee, which is estimated at 256 people. The sample size is estimated tobe 148 people using Morgan table. Sampling is simple random. In this study, data collectiontools were Link and Kiel (2005) Moral Intelligence Questionnaire, Maslash and Jackson(1981) Job Burnout and Mir Allen (1990) Organizational Commitment Questionnaire. Thereliability coefficient of the questionnaire was Cronbach's alpha coefficient of moralintelligence 0.89, job burnout 0.81 and organizational commitment 0.77. Descriptive andinferential statistics were used to analyze the data. The results showed that there is a positiveand significant relationship between moral intelligence and organizational commitment andthere is a negative and significant relationship between burnout and organizationalcommitment.