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  • Publication Ethics

    in the name of God
    Vice President of Research and Technology
    In the name of Allah
    Charter of research ethics

    With the help of God Almighty and the belief that the world is in the presence of God and always watches over human actions and in order to maintain the high position of knowledge and research and considering the importance of the position of the university in the promotion of human culture and civilization, we students and faculty members of Azad University units Islamic, we undertake to consider the following principles in carrying out research activities and not to violate them:

    1- The principle of truth-seeking: trying to find the truth and being faithful to it and avoiding any concealment of the truth.

    2- The principle of respect for rights: commitment to fully respect the rights of researchers and researched (humans, animals and plants) and other rights holders.

    3- The principle of material and intellectual property: the commitment to fully respect the material and intellectual rights of the university and all research partners.

    4- The principle of national interests: the commitment to comply with national interests and considering the advancement and development of the country in all research partners.

    5- The principle of honesty and trustworthiness: commitment to avoid any non-scientific bias and protection of property, equipment and resources at one's disposal.

    6- The principle of confidentiality: the commitment to protect the secrets and confidential information of individuals, organizations and the country and all individuals and institutions related to research.

    7- The principle of respect: the commitment to respect the privacy and sanctity in the conduct of research and respect the side of criticism and refraining from any kind of disrespect.

    8- The principle of promotion: the commitment to the spread of knowledge and the dissemination of its results to scientific colleagues and students, except for cases that are prohibited by law.

    9- The principle of acquittal: commitment to seeking acquittal from any unprofessional behavior and declaring a position towards those who pollute the field of science and research with non-scientific suspicions.