• Abbaszadeh.Mohammad The relationship between media consumption and behavior disorders of high school students in Miyaneh in 1391-92 (educational year) [ Vol.3, Issue 8 - Autumn Year 1389]
  • Abbaszadeh.Mohammad The Effect of economic capital and satisfaction of urban services on citizens' participation inUremiain the separation and collection of household waste [ Vol.3, Issue 7 - Summer Year 1389]
  • Abdollahzadeh Taraf.Akbar Expanding theNeighborhoodConcept through the Anatomy of Community Concept [ Vol.3, Issue 7 - Summer Year 1389]
  • alizadeh aghdam.mohammad bagher A study of relation between cultural capital and the rate of social participation among Female teachers of Miandoab [ Vol.3, Issue 9 - Winter Year 1390]
  • Azar.Ali Analysis of the stability and vitality of Tabriz with an emphasis on safety sociological perspective. [ Vol.3, Issue 6 - Spring Year 1389]