Predicting physical syndrome through occupational and organizational stressors, self-regulation, and autonomy
Subject Areas : Educational
Reihane Ghasempour Farsani
Ali Mehdad
1 - I/O Psychology, Islamic Azad University of Isfahan (Khorasgan), Isfahan, Iran
2 - Associate professor, Islamic Azad University of Isfahan (Khorasgan), Isfahan, Iran
Keywords: Physical Syndrome, Self-regulation, Autonomy, Agricultural Bank Staff, Occupational and organizational stressors,
Abstract :
The main purpose of this study was to predict physical syndrome through occupational and organizational stresses, Self-regulation and Autonomy among employees of the Agricultural Bank of Isfahan province. The statistical population consisted of all employees of mention bank, of which 320 persons were selected through convenience sampling method. Data collection tools included the modified Job and Organizational Stressor Questionnaire (Razmjoo and Naami, 2006), Physical Syndrome Questionnaire (Jex & Spector, 1999), Authonomy Questionnaire (Hackman & Oldham, 1975) and Self-Regulation Questionnaire (Bandy & Moore, 2010), and the results were analyzed using Pearson correlation coefficient and stepwise regression. The results showed that there was a significant positive correlation between occupational and organizational stressors with the physical syndrome, and between self-regulation and authority with the physical syndrome. Also, stepwise regression results showed that occupational stress variables predicted 0.08 units of physical syndrome variable and in the second step by adding organizational stress variables, both occupational and organizational stress variables were 0.10 units of syndrome variable. Predicts the physical, which means predicting 10% of the dependent variable changes by two independent variables. Based on the findings, it can be concluded that increasing occupational and organizational stressors exacerbate the physical syndrome and increase self-regulation and discretion decrease the incidence of physical syndrome.
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