Comparing Early Maladaptive Schemas in the Women’s suffering from Personality Disorders and Normal Women’s
Subject Areas : HealthELAHEH SHAFAEI 1 , hamid atashpuor 2 *
1 - Psychology, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan Branch (Khorasgan), Isfahan, Iran.
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan Branch (Khorasgan), Isfahan, Iran.
Keywords: dramatic, primary traumatic schemas, avoidant personality disorders, dependent, Women, borderline, obsessive,
Abstract :
The aim of this study was to compare early maladaptive schemas in women’s suffering from personality disorders and normal women’s in Isfahan. The research method was descriptive comparative causal. The statistical population of the study includes two groups; Women with borderline personality disorders were dramatic, obsessive, dependent, and avoidant, and normal women in year 2019. In this study, purposive non-probabilistic sampling method was used, in which 60 women aged 20 to 40 years with personality disorder referred to counseling centers in Isfahan and 60 healthy individuals were purposefully selected and answered the research questionnaires. The assessment tool included a questionnaire of early traumatic schemas (Young, 1998). Data were analyzed by multivariate analysis of variance The results showed that there was a significant difference between primary traumatic schemas among women with borderline, dramatic, obsessive, dependent and avoidant personality disorders with normal women (P <0.01).Thus, people with personality disorder had higher scores than normal people in the components of cut and rejection, autonomy and dysfunction, other directionality, inhibition and excessive ringing and impaired constraints. Based on these results, it is necessary to pay attention to the psychological, social, emotional and family processes of people with personality disorder and to help their psychological health by using appropriate intervention methods such as schema therapy.
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