Efficacy of anger management training on hostility and well- being of parents
Subject Areas : Educational
Mohsen Shokoohi-Yekta
Saeed Akbari Zardkhaneh
maryam Mahmoodi
Dina Dashti
1 - Professor of University of Tehran
2 - Assisstant Professor, University of Shahid Beheshti
3 - Psychology of Exceptional Children, University of Allameh Tabatabaei
4 - Psychology of Exceptional Children, University of Tehran
Keywords: Psychological well-being, hostility, parent education, cognitive distress, anger control training,
Abstract :
The purpose of this research is to analyze the effects of anger managementprogram on hostility and well-being of parents. For this reason, anger controlworkshops were presented for parents of elementary school children. Thisresearch utilized a semi experimental pre-post tests single group design.Sample consisted of an available group containing 84 parents of students (5group) in private schools in the city of Tehran. Anger control methods calledFireworks program, based oncognitive-behavioral approach, was taught with an emphasis onparent-child relationship. Hostility and Well-being of the participants weremeasured using Redford-Williams Hostility Inventory (RWHI) and Mental HealthInventory (MHI-28). Results indicated significant effects on hostility,psychological distress and psychological well-being. Finally, we may concludethat anger management, as an effective and functional intervention, could beused to diminish psychological distress and to enhance psychologicalwell-being.
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