To Investigate The Rilationship of Personnelï¢s Percived Organization Justice and Trust(Organizational Trust and Trust in Supervisors)
Subject Areas : Educationalآرزو اشجع 1 * , ابوالقاسم نوری 2 , حمید رضا عریضی 3 , حسین سماواتیان 4
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Keywords: Construct, validate tolerance of ambiguity,
Abstract :
This study was conducted to investigate the relationship of personnel's perceived organiza-tional justice and trust(Organizational trust and trust in supervisor). The sample consisted of 290 employees of Foolad Mobarakeh in 2008(1387 S.C.). Hartog & Koopman`s Trust in supervisor questionnaire(α=0/87), Moorman, Blakely & Niehoff`s organizational trust ques-tionnaire (α=0/66), Colquitt`s distributive justice questionnaire (α=0/91), and Niehoff & Moorman`s procedural justice question-naire(α=0/86), were used. The validity and rea-bility of the questionnaires were confirmed. In order to analyse the data relational method (correlation and regression) was used. Findings showed positive and significant relationships between components of organizational justice and trust. Also, organizational justice compo-nents could predict trust components (p≤o.o1). Finally, with respect to the research results, suggestions were proposed for other researchers and organizational managers.