The Effect of Relaxation and Gradual Stress Removal Accompanied by Biofeedback on the Anxiety of the Students
Subject Areas : Educationalعلیرضا حیدرئی 1 * , سارا ساعدی 2
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Keywords: gradual stress removal, Biofeedback, college students, Anxiety, Keywords: relaxation,
Abstract :
The Purpose of this study was determining the effect of relaxation and gradual stress removal accompanied by biofeedback on the anxiety of students. The research method was three groups of pretest – posttest experimental design and the statistical population was the Ahvaz university students with high anxiety, among whom 60 persons were selected via random sampling and then randomly assigned into three groups of 20 persons (two groups of experimental, included relaxation and gradual stress removal with biofeedback groups) and control group. The measurement instrument was Cattlle Anxiety Questionnaire (Cattlle, 1958) and GSR Biofeedback (Khodadadi, 1373). Data was analyzed using multivariate analysis of covariance. Results showed that there are significant differences between experimental and control groups concerning anxiety reduction (P < 0.001). Also results revealed that there is no significant difference between relaxation and gradual stress removal with biofeedback on anxiety.