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    Evaluation Process:

    1. Receiving the article through the journal system (articles that are sent to the journal through email or methods other than the system will not be included in the review process of the journal)
    2. The first evaluation of the article according to the main indicators of the publication (subject, authors, structure of the article, etc.)
    3. Examining the article in terms of plagiarism and matching through Samim Noor's matching system
    4. Sending the article to at least 2 expert referees in the subject area of ​​the article
    5. Announcing the result of the arbitration to the author
    6. Correction of articles by authors
    7. Sending the revised article to the peer reviewer
    8. Announcing the result of the comparative review to the author
    9. Deposit of publication fee
     10. Placing the article in the section of articles accepted for publication
    11. Determining the issue in which the article will be published (with the opinion of the editorial board)
    12. Sending the article to the editor
    13. Sending the edited article to the author to clear the ambiguities and final approval before publication
    14. Sending the final file approved by the author to the layout page
    15. Publication of articles in the journal system
    16. Sending an email informing the authors of the articles of each issue and other audiences
    17. Sending articles to national and international databases and profiles