An Analytical Study of Sports Guidelines in the Police Academy
Subject Areas : Sports Science and HealthyPayam Shokoohi Dehkordi 1 * , Afshar Mohebbi 2 , Hasan Shabani 3
1 - PhD. Student, Strategic International Law, Supreme National Defense University; Faraja Education and Training Vice-Chancellor, Tehran, Iran
2 - Ph.D., Defense Policy, Supreme National Defense University; AJA University of Command and Staff, Tehran, Iran
3 - Ph.D., Strategic Defense Sciences, Supreme National Defense University, Imam Ali Army Officer University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Police Academy, Sport,
Abstract :
The purpose of the present research is the analytical study of sports guidelines in the Police Academy. This strategic study is regarded as a practical research based on its objectives. Data collection was conducted by a mixture of qualitative and quantitative methods through interviews and questionnaires. The statistical population of the research consisted of 250 executives and athletes in the Police Academy. The results of external and internal matrixes indicate that the Police Academy in the Islamic Republic of Iran is dealing some threats such as media's lack of involvement in sports activities, people's inadequate information about different fields of sports, the private sector's lack of tendency to participate in sports events due to not having TV broadcasting, expensive cost of professional equipment and holding competitions, non-active spare time, inappropriate use of modern technology and science in the assemblies in the provinces, not using the knowledge of experienced coaches due to financial problems, instability of the foreign exchange to buy sports equipment, weakness of developmental and planning system, and not allocating sufficient budget for the students' sport activities at the Academy. Due to its military and enclosed atmosphere and cautious approach to some issues outside of the organization, this university has relative weakness which puts it in a passive condition. Therefore, in order to make better use of the upcoming opportunities and situations, the Police Academy ought to apply an invasive approach to continue its accomplishments.
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