An Analysis of the 17th Global Development Program and the Foreign Policy Approach of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Subject Areas : political sociology
majid abdollahi
mohammadreza قائدی
مریم مرادی
حبیب اله ابوالحسن شیرازی
1 - Department of International Relations, Qeshm Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qeshm, Iran
2 - دانشیار دانشگاه آزاد شیراز
3 - گروه روابط بین الملل-پردیس بین الملل قشم-دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی-قشم-ایران
4 - Department of Political Science, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: 17th World Development Program, Foreign Policy, Islamic Republic of Iran,
Abstract :
Governments need regular and codified plans to develop. Also,in the international system for better and more governments to cooperate with each other,the United Nations has developed and presented programs. For example, the 17th World Development Program is one of these measures that have been considered. In the meantime, what helps the faster and coordinated development of countries in line with international programs is an efficient foreign policy.Regarding the importance of foreign policy that regulates relations between countries,it should be said that foreign policy is always a reflection of the nature of the government; The level and depth of change in the foreign policy of the countries is directly related to the form of government system,decision making model, governing norms and principles and numerous environmental components that return the feedback of continuity and change into the system.The main goal of this article is to analyze the role of the 17th World Development Program and the foreign policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The main question raised is, what has been the foreign policy approach of the Islamic Republic of Iran for the 17th World Development Program? To answer this question,the descriptive-analytical method has been used, using the findings collected by the library method and internet sites. The results of the findings show that due to the fact that the issue of development is considered in the foreign policy programs of the Republic of Iran, but in line with the seventeen goals of global development, effective measures are not observed in the approach and behavior of the foreign policy.The state of poverty and underdevelopment of some provinces of the country such as Sistan and Baluchistan, environmental indicators in the country (problems of water shortage,drying up of wetlands and lakes) are examples of the lack of an effective approach in foreign policy.
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