Leveling The Touristic Villages of East Azarbaijan Province, based on the Development of Entrepreneurship, in order to Clarify the Rural Entrepreneurship Policies
Subject Areas : Rural and nomadic studies
aytak davari
Mohsen Ranjbar
Ali Tavakolan
1 - Ph.D Candidate, Department of Geography, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Geography, Yadgar Imam Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: leveling, Policy, Tourism, Development, Entrepreneurship, Hierarchical Analysis Process, East Azerbaijan,
Abstract :
Introduction: Nowadays, entrepreneurship has become a key policy for developing countries. In addition, the development of tourism in villages with potential, can play an important role in improving the conditions of entrepreneurship among local residents. In this regard, investigating the level of entrepreneurship development in the touristic villages of East Azerbaijan, in order to explain rural entrepreneurship policies, is the aim of the present research.
Research Aim: Regarding the mentioned goal, the goal of the research is of an applied-developmental type, and it is analytical-descriptive and inferential in nature.
Methodology: The extent of the villages' enjoyment of entrepreneurship development was measured according to the checklist that filled out by experts. The items of the checklist were included: provision of various products and services, variety and flexibility of products and services, use of local employees, existence of stores and market space, poverty reduction and growth of village economy and self-sufficiency of villagers, participation of local people in entrepreneurship, and existence of appropriate infrastructure.
Studied Areas: The geographical scope of this research is the touristic villages of East Azerbaijan.
Result: based on the studies conducted from the initial survey, 8 villages, that had the highest frequency compared to the other villages, were selected as the selected villages. Finally, by using AHP model and with the help of effective indicators in the development of entrepreneurship, the selected villages were prioritized.
Conclusion:The results indicated that the highest rate of entrepreneurship development occurred in Kandavan village (final weight 0/242) and the lowest rate of entrepreneurship development occurred in Kordasht village (final weight 0/051).
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