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    "The concept of sustainability in architecture" and "sustainable environmental design" are important topics in the field of construction that have attracted the attention of architects and designers today. Creating sustainability in architecture is essential, considering the problems that exist in today's industrial and modern era, and special attention should be paid to it. Green architecture is one of the new methods in architecture that has currently attracted the attention of many people. Environmental pollution is one of the problems of the current industrial era in which humans play a significant role. Pollution has a significant impact on the natural cycle and the quality of life of creatures and has irreparable consequences on their lives; therefore, in order for all creatures to continue living, we must take measures to preserve and maintain the environment and natural resources; one of these measures is the implementation of green architecture (or sustainable architecture). Sustainable architecture is one of the important developments in the field of architecture, the goal of which is to design buildings based on optimizing energy consumption and the principles of sustainability. Sustainable architecture is also called green architecture, which is based on ecological design and in harmony with nature. Constructions implemented based on this type of architecture cause less damage to the environment and energy resources and are less incompatible with the environment. Sustainability in architecture does not mean that the building has high resistance or a long life, but rather that special attention is paid to the environment in construction and action is taken accordingly. Therefore, the concept of sustainability, while being one of the most up-to-date and important topics in the presentation of architecture and urban planning, has great potential in the field of producing specialized knowledge and principles and can attract many articles in the field of architecture and environmental design.