An Exploration of Social Interactions in the Contemporary Iranian House
Subject Areas : َArchitecture
Negar Gharagozloo Hesari
Hosein KalantariKhalilAbad
1 - -
2 - Jahad University professor, member of architecture department of Islamic Azad University, Karaj branch
Keywords: House, social interactions, physical components, sociology, architecture,
Abstract :
Humans, as social beings, engage in various levels of qualitative and quantitative social interactions. While many existing structures primarily focus on functional needs and often overlook human factors, housing plays a crucial role in this context. This research aims to address the following questions: What are the criteria and design principles for social interactions within such spaces? How can housing with appropriate functionality and desired spatial quality be designed, considering its architectural components, to meet users' needs? This study is a descriptive-analytical research conducted through a survey method, and it is practical in nature. Some of the human and environmental variables influencing social interactions were extracted from library documents and studies. Among these, fourteen important factors were selected as the basis for this research, prioritized by architects and sociologists among the faculty members of some reputable universities in Iran. Therefore, by specifying the population, sample, and research tools, the roles played by selected variables in confirming or rejecting the research hypotheses were tested. Subsequently, using SPSS software, the selected variables, such as influential criteria in shaping interactions (e.g., permeability), and architectural components as secondary factors (e.g., spatial clarity), were prioritized. The result of this research process indicates that focusing on social interactions and the architectural components can contribute to enhancing the quality of life for residents and improving social connections in contemporary Iranian housing. Additionally, recommendations are made for housing designers to help improve social interactions in Iranian contemporary housing.
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