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  • List of Articles

      • Open Access Article

        1 - An Introduction to Some of the Most Important Principles and Theories of Religious Pluralism
        Abolfazl Ebrahimi
        In the modern and philosophy of religion, there are two generalapproaches, namely religious pluralism and unificationism, each ofthem has its own epistemological, linguistic and religious principleswhich have made them different and distinguished.In this article we cons More
        In the modern and philosophy of religion, there are two generalapproaches, namely religious pluralism and unificationism, each ofthem has its own epistemological, linguistic and religious principleswhich have made them different and distinguished.In this article we consider some of the most important principlesand theories of religious pluralism and attempt to answer thesequestions: Is the difference and plurality of religions inherent andrealistic or superficial and formal? What is the nature of suchdifferences and plurality? Is it possible to establish agreement or atleast some understanding among religions or not? Finally we come tothe conclusion that the most important difference between religions isthe distinction of their epistemological and linguistic principles.Because of this difference, the single source of all religiousexperiences, the Absolute Reality or the Sacred, seems plural andmultiple; as a consequence, It takes different shapes and forms.Nevertheless, the Absolute Reality could be perceived as a commonelement of different religions and It can establish agreement andunderstanding among them. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Polemics of Henry Martyn and the Iranian Muslim Clergymen on the Particular Prophethood in Qajar Period
        Mahmoud Riza Esfandyar
        This article surveys the life, studies and activities of Henry Martyn, theBritish priest and missionary who came to Iran, in order to promote theProtestantism in early Qajar period. Martyn wanted to edit and publishthe New Testament in Persian and it was one of the most More
        This article surveys the life, studies and activities of Henry Martyn, theBritish priest and missionary who came to Iran, in order to promote theProtestantism in early Qajar period. Martyn wanted to edit and publishthe New Testament in Persian and it was one of the most importantgoals of his travel which he had started since he was in India.In Iran, Martyn established meetings, in which he debated withMuslim clergymen. He promoted his beliefs to common people andwrote treatises against the Islamic doctrines such as particularprophethood and inimitability of the Quran. He worked hard to convertIranians into Christianity. In return, the Muslim clergymen, Qajargovernment and the common people reacted against his activities andwrote apologetics in order to reply to Martyn's ideas. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Rta and Aša in India and Ancient Iran: A Comparative Study
        Abol-qasem Piyadeh Kouhsar
        Among all questions which are asked about the nature of existence,after asking about the creation, the question about the order andpermanence of the universe is the most essential question. A commonanswer to this question is that there is a Cosmic Order or Cosmic Lawwhi More
        Among all questions which are asked about the nature of existence,after asking about the creation, the question about the order andpermanence of the universe is the most essential question. A commonanswer to this question is that there is a Cosmic Order or Cosmic Lawwhich protects the universe from disorder. This Cosmic Order wascalled rta in ancient India, and aša in the ancient Iran. It personifies thecosmic, social, ritual, and moral order. Rta and aša are synonyms andfrom the etymological point of view, were derived from a commonroot. Rta (or aša) is under the protection of gods; therefore, if someonetransgresses its bounds, she/he will be punished. So all devotees andeven gods should harmonize themselves with rta (or aša) and behave inaccordance with its principles. If they act so, they will be qualified forthe title of rtavan (those who possess rta) or ašavan (those who upholdaša) and will enjoy the everlasting bliss and prosperity. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Apocalyptic Eschatology in the Words of Jesus of Nazareth and its Reflection in the Gospels
        Tahereh Hajebrahimi Mohammad Reza Adli
        Jesus was in fact an apocalyptic preacher and a herald of eschatologicalrestoration. His message can be fairly characterized as apocalypticeschatology. His own words were reflected in the Gospels more thanany other parts of the New Testament. But the narrators of the Go More
        Jesus was in fact an apocalyptic preacher and a herald of eschatologicalrestoration. His message can be fairly characterized as apocalypticeschatology. His own words were reflected in the Gospels more thanany other parts of the New Testament. But the narrators of the Gospelsadded their own speculations to these words; however, these words andthe speculations reflect the early Christian traditions.This article tries to survey the teachings of Jesus, considering itseschatological aspects. Moreover it reviews the Jewish background ofthe eschatological concepts. Finally it comes to this conclusion:apocalyptic eschatology constitutes the essential theme of the Jesus'teachings. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Christianity in the Writings of Islamic Theologians
        Davoud Dadashnejad
        Christianity, as a great religion has been the focus of Muslimtheologians' attention and relying on the information derived from theHoly Quran, they tried to analyze and criticize Christian beliefs. Theygenerally referred to the Gospels as the main reference of argument More
        Christianity, as a great religion has been the focus of Muslimtheologians' attention and relying on the information derived from theHoly Quran, they tried to analyze and criticize Christian beliefs. Theygenerally referred to the Gospels as the main reference of argumentsand the major part of their analysis was concerned with the concept ofGod, the nature of the Christ, the Union and the Trinity. Furthermore,they also tried to give a fair survey the Islamic theological sects andcompare them with certain sects of Christian sects.Therefore, this article deals with major Christian doctrines whichwere reflected in the Islamic theological writings; it moreover, bringsinto perspective the viewpoints of early Muslim theologians as theforerunners of the religious dialogue. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - The Encounter of Zoroastrianism with the Minority Religions in the Sasanid Period
        Sayyed Sa‘id Golzar
        The diversity of religions in the Sasanid period is one of the mostimportant themes in the history of this dynasty. Sasanid emperorsrevived and strengthened Zoroastrianism and made it the formalreligion of the country. Therefore, this action affected the adherents ofthe More
        The diversity of religions in the Sasanid period is one of the mostimportant themes in the history of this dynasty. Sasanid emperorsrevived and strengthened Zoroastrianism and made it the formalreligion of the country. Therefore, this action affected the adherents ofthe other religions who lived in Iran and brought about contacts andconflicts between the leaders of the state religion and the others.This article surveys the social conditions of the minority religionssuch as Buddhism, Judaism and Christianity in the Sasanid period andreviews the attitude of the state religion toward them. It also deals withthe challenges and the conflicts which the adherents of the minorityreligions made against the Sasanid government. Beside that, it reviewsthe religious policies of the government and finally comes to thisconclusion: The religious policies of the Sasanid emperors intensifiedor sometimes weakened these conflicts. However, these policies intheir own turn were taken under the influence of the internal andexternal forces. The elements which affected the attitude of the Sasanidgovernment toward minority religions were as fallow: Thetransformation of the international conditions, converting of the states –especially the enemies– into other religions, the power or weakness ofthe priests and kings, and the activities of the minorities. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - The Life and the Mystical Thoughts of St. Bonaventure
        Hamid Mahmoudian
        St. Bonaventure is undoubtedly one of the most distinguished andeffective figures in Christian mysticism. As the second founder ofFranciscan order, he gives an account of St. Francis' biography andworks; beside that, he deals with the Christian mysticism in his works.Al More
        St. Bonaventure is undoubtedly one of the most distinguished andeffective figures in Christian mysticism. As the second founder ofFranciscan order, he gives an account of St. Francis' biography andworks; beside that, he deals with the Christian mysticism in his works.Although his place among the Franciscans is similar to the place ofThomas Aquinas among the Dominicans, the account of his life is notas clear as Aquinas' biography. However, his works could help us tounderstand his character and thought. For example, his book entitledThe Journey of the Mind to God (1259 C. E.) is one of the mostimportant works on Christian mysticism. This article tries to survey hisbiography and his works as well as his ideology and his mystical pointof view. Manuscript profile