• Mami.Shahram Development and Validation of Sport Aggression Styles Inventory: An instrument based on Millon’s personality theory [ Vol.11, Issue 42 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • Manochehri Nezhad.Mohsen Normativeization human resources electronic management questionnaire in sport organizations [ Vol.11, Issue 43 - Winter Year 1401]
  • mohamadzadeh.jahanshah Development and Validation of Sport Aggression Styles Inventory: An instrument based on Millon’s personality theory [ Vol.11, Issue 42 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • mousavi tileboni.miraoun Comparison of the effectiveness of acceptance and commitment based therapy and cognitive rehabilitation on psychological well-being and self-efficacy of Kombina students [ Vol.11, Issue 43 - Winter Year 1401]