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        1 - The study of the structure of contracts in epic works and its connection with mythological and religious beliefs
        شکر اله پورالخاص چیمن فتحی
        Covenant and contract is one of the social and religious elements and it is the basis of order and discipline in primitive societies.  If respected it brings unity to communities and if disrespected it is understood as an unforgivable sin and brings moral disorder. More
        Covenant and contract is one of the social and religious elements and it is the basis of order and discipline in primitive societies.  If respected it brings unity to communities and if disrespected it is understood as an unforgivable sin and brings moral disorder.  Mithra is the great god of the Indo European tribes who with ‘varunah’ are responsible for the protection of covenants.  Upon entry to any land, Mithra mingles with the deities of that land and thus preserves his sacredness.  Covenant which enjoys a superior standpoint and has sacredness in the eyes of Indo European people forms a significant part of their epic and mythological works to the extent that determines the destiny of certain events and decides the fate of champions in the epic tales.  This article examines and compares form, structure, common components of variety of covenants in the epic, historical, and mythological works in Iran, India, and Greece.  The results obtained show that ceremonies such as sacrificing, pouring droplets to earth, presence of witness and the presence of two sacred elements of water and fire and shaking hands when making a contract are among the common features of covenants.  Juxtaposing these practices and common elements, one arrives at similar patterns which are respected in most contracts.  The comparison of these patterns and the common rites with mythological and religious beliefs of Indo European people determines that the structure of contracts with the structure and beliefs of Mithraism cult are closely related. Manuscript profile