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        1 - The Symbology of Zahhak`s and Afrasyab`s great dream in Shahnameh Ferdowsi
        Masomeh Ramezani
        Abstract   Myth is a narrative which aids people in understanding the current psychological events in life and helps man find ways to improve himself in life`s course. Dream is a natural phenomenon and is a special externalization of the unconscious which is manife More
        Abstract   Myth is a narrative which aids people in understanding the current psychological events in life and helps man find ways to improve himself in life`s course. Dream is a natural phenomenon and is a special externalization of the unconscious which is manifested in the conscious.  Myth and dream have a language that with the knowledge of symbols one can unravel its mysteries.  Based on this research Shahnameh Ferdowsi encompasses dreams containing the collective unconscious myths.Dreams use a symbolic language to warn the dreamer of the events that are likely to happen in the future in order to find a way to prevent their happenings in the conscious world. Zahhak and Afrasyab, two evil kings in Shahnameh both have great dreams that hold collective unconscious archetypal images.  Zahhak’s nightmare predicts his downfall by Feraydun, the hero which is realized by the uprising of Kaveh, the blacksmith and Feraydun by the Sorush’s command imprisons Zahhak in Mount Damavand.  Mysterious dream ofAfrasyab, the vow breaker entails his destruction and death that is after years of combat and bloodshed Kaykhosrow avenges Siavash’s blood and ends the life of this evil vowbreaker.   Manuscript profile