Investigating the effect of organizational silence on manpower productivity (Case Study: The main office of Transportation and Terminal Department in central Province)
Subject Areas : Business Management
Hajieh Rajabi Farjad
Niloufar mirsepasi
Masumeh samiei
1 - Assistant Professor, Police University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor,Faculty member of Islamic Azad University Islamshahr Branch
3 - Graduate Student, Department of Management, Islamic Azad University, Electronic Unit, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Organizational silence, Acquiescent Silence, Defensive Silence, prosocial Silence, manpower productivity,
Abstract :
Nowadays, in many organizations, the employees are heard to express their ideas and beliefs concerning the problems in their organizations. This study is dealing with the phenomenon of the organizational silence and its effects on productivity. The research method was descriptive-survey and an applied one. The statistical population included all the employees working in the main office of Transportation and terminals department in central province, which added to 250 people. The sampling method was random sampling. Using Cochran’s formula 124 people were chosen as the sample size. To gather the data two standard questionnaires, namely Van Dyne (2003) on organizational silence and Hersey & Goldsmith (1980) to measure manpower effects on productivity. The results indicated that organizational silence had effect on productivity and the defensive Silence and the acquiescent Silence have negative effect on manpower productivity. The findings and results of the research study reveal that organizational silence has impact on labor productivity. Also the results show that ProSocial Silence has positive impact on labor productivity, and the Defensive Silence and the Acquiescent Silence has negative impact on labor productivity.
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Badakhshan, F., & Forouzanfar, B. (2010), The Role of Human Resources in the Transcendental Strategy and its Relationship with the Organization's Strategy. 5th International Conference on Strategic Management
Bagheri, H. M., & Hadadi, M.(2015), The Impact of Emotional Intelligence on the Functional Utility of Security Organizations’ Employees. Journal of Security Studies Quarterly, 13(45), 23-42, (In Persian).
Bozorghnia, S., F., Enayati, T. (2015), The Relationship between Organizational Silence and Employees Performance. Journal of Ethics in Science & Technology, 9 (4), 1-10, (In Persian).
Bordbar, G. (2013),The Effective Factors on Labor Productivity with Multi Criteria Decision Making Techniques, Journal of Health Administration, 16(51), 70 – 83, (In Persian).
Blackman, D., & Sadler-Smith, E. (2009), The Silent and the Silenced in Organizational Knowing and Learning.Management Learning, 40(5), 569-585
Çakici, A. (2007), Örgütlerde Sessizlik: Sessizliğin Teorik Temelleri ve Dinamikleri. Ç.Ü. SB Dergisi, Cilt, 16(1), 145-162.
Dyne, L. V., Ang, S., & Botero, I. C. (2003), Conceptualizing Employee Silence and Employee Voice as Multidimensional Constructs. Journal of Management Studies, 40(6), 1359-1392.
Dimitris, B., & Vokala, M. (2007),Organizational Silence: A New Challenge For Human Resource Management.
Esmaeelpour, R., Kashani S. H., & Nikookar H. (2015), Sharing Knowledge, The Role of Their Affect Factors and Productivity Organization. Journal of Productivity Management, 8(31), 51-37, (In Persian).
Farhadi, M. (2009), A Review of Models of Human Resource Strategies. Journal of Automobile Industry, 1, 41-45, (In Persian).
Fischer, M. M., Monika, B., Aleksandra Riedl, S., & Andrea, K. (2009), The Impact of Human Capital on Regional Labor Productivity in Europe. Lett Spat ResourSci, 2, 97-108.
Ghelich Lee, B. (2008), Human Resources, Evaluation and Improvement Planning, Institute for Productivity and Human Resources, Publication: Saramad.
Henriksen, K., & Dayton, E.(2006), Organizational Silence and Hidden Threats To PatientSafety. HSR: HealthServicesResearch, 4(11), 1539-1554.
Karimiyan Pour, GH .(2015), The Role of Organizational Trust and its Components on Organizational Silence. Second International Conference on Challenges and Solutions
Khaki, GH. (2009), Management Productivity, Analyze it in the Organization, Tehran: Koohsar Publication.
Korsgaard, M. A., Meglino, B. M., & Lester, S. W. (1997), Beyond Helping: Do Other-Oriented Values Have Broader Implications in Organizations. Journal of Applied Psychology, 82, 160-77,
Olayemi, S. O. (2012), Human Capital Investment and Industrial Productivity in Nigeria, International. Journal of Humanities and Social Science 2(16), 298-307.
Morrison, E. W., & Milliken, F. J. (2000), Organizational Silence: A Barrier to Change and Development in a Pluralıstic World. Academy of Management Review, 25(4), 706-725.
Mehrabi, F, .(2013),The Relationship between Leadership Styles and Organizational Silence and its Impact on Motivation and Job Satisfaction. Master's Thesis, Tehran: Allameh Tabataba'i University, (In Persian).
Pinder, M., & Harlos, S. (2009), Voice and Silence in Organizations, Bingley. UK: Emerald Press.
Podsakoff, P. M., MacKenzie, S. B., Paine, J. B., & Bachrach, D. G. (2000), Organizational Citizenship Behaviors: A Critical Review of the Theoretical and Empirical, Literature and Suggestions for Future Research , Journal of Management, 26, 513-63.
Siao, S. F. (2011), A Study on the Causes of Elementary School Teachers, Organizational Citizenship Behavior. Master's Thesis,
Su, B., & Almas, H. (2011), Development and Sources of Labor, Productivity in Chinese Provinces. IZA Discussion Paper, 6263, 1-28.
Tagheizade, H., Ebrahimei, R., & Shokri, A. (2015), Compare and Prioritize Areas of Labor Productivity Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, use the Technique VIKOR. Journal of Productivity Management, 8(31), 51-37, (In Persian).
Tangirala, S., & Ramanujam, P. (2008), Employee Silence on Critical Issues: The Cross Level Effects Procedural Justice Climate. Personnel Psychology, 61, 37-68.
Van Dyne, L., Ang, S., & Botero, I. (2003), Conceptualizing Employee Silence and Employee Voice as Mulitidimensional Constructs. Journal of Management Studies, 40, 1360-1392.
Zerenler, M. (2011), Organizasyonel Sessizlik. Dizgi Ofset: Konya.